
作者:Agatha Christie阿加莎·克里斯蒂
商品尺寸:每册约12.9 x 1.7 x 19.8 cm
页数:240-304页/册x 4册

马普尔小姐(Miss Marple)是“侦探小说女王”阿加莎·克里斯蒂笔下的第二号侦探,也是为数不多的女侦探之一,被许多书迷公认为世界十大侦探之一。马普尔小姐是来自圣玛丽米德村的可敬老小姐侦探,是个天生的侦探,住在英国的圣马丽密特丹.是小说所描述过的zui佳侦查头脑之一。
2004年,英国ITV根据阿加莎·克里斯蒂的原著作品进行改编,推出了电视系列剧“Agatha Christie's Marple”,截至2013年剧终,共拍摄六季,前五季每季四集,剧终季三集,内容包括:

本套书为英国柯林斯出版公司出版的Miss Marple系列英文原著小说,共包含电视剧第2季的4集原著作品:
Sleeping Murder《沉睡的谋杀案》(神秘的别墅)
The Moving Finger《魔手》
By the Pricking of My Thumbs《煦阳岭的疑云》(拇指一竖)
The Sittaford Mystery《斯塔福特疑案》

Agatha Christie’s famous Miss Marple mystery, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers.

‘A puzzle that is tortuous, surprising and finally satisfying.’ --Sunday Express

‘Miss Marple is spry, shrewd and compassionate.’ --Sunday Telegraph

Sleeping Murder《沉睡的谋杀案》(神秘的别墅)
The owner of a seaside villa is plagued by strange feelings about its past…
Soon after Gwenda moved into her new home, odd things started to happen. Despite her best efforts to modernise the house, she only succeeded in dredging up its past. Worse, she felt an irrational sense of terror every time she climbed the stairs…
In fear, Gwenda turned to Miss Marple to exorcise her ghosts. Between them, they were to solve a ‘perfect’ crime committed many years before.

The Moving Finger《魔手》
Lymstock is a town with more than its share of shameful secrets – a town where even a sudden outbreak of anonymous hate-mail causes only a minor stir.
But all that changes when one of the recipients, Mrs Symmington, commits suicide. Her final note said ‘I can’t go on’. Only Miss Marple questions the coroner’s verdict of suicide. Was this the work of a poison-pen? Or of a poisoner?

By the Pricking of My Thumbs《煦阳岭的疑云》(拇指一竖)
An old woman in a nursing home speaks of a child buried behind the fireplace…
When Tommy and Tuppence visited an elderly aunt in her gothic nursing home, they thought nothing of her mistrust of the doctors; after all, Ada was a very difficult old lady.
But when Mrs Lockett mentioned a poisoned mushroom stew and Mrs Lancaster talked about ‘something behind the fireplace’, Tommy and Tuppence found themselves caught up in an unexpected adventure involving possible black magic…

The Sittaford Mystery《斯塔福特疑案》
A seance in a snowbound Dartmoor house predicts a grisly murder…
In a remote house in the middle of Dartmoor, six shadowy figures huddle around a small table for a seance. Tension rises as the spirits spell out a chilling message: ‘Captain Trevelyan… dead… murder.’
Is this black magic or simply a macabre joke? The only way to be certain is to locate Captain Trevelyan. Unfortunately, his home is six miles away and, with snow drifts blocking the roads, someone will have to make the journey on foot…

Agatha Christiewas born in Torquay in 1890 and became, quite simply, the best-selling novelist in history. Her first novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, written towards the end of the First World War, introduced us to Hercule Poirot, who was to become the most popular detective in crime fiction since Sherlock Holmes. She is known throughout the world as the Queen of Crime. Her books have sold over a billion copies in the English language and another billion in over 100 foreign countries. She is the author of 80 crime novels and short story collections, 19 plays, and six novels under the name of Mary Westmacott.

Gwenda Reed stood, shivering a little, on the quayside.
The docks and the custom sheds and all of England that she could see, were gently waving up and down.
And it was in that moment that she made her decision—the decision that was to lead to such very momentous events.
She wouldn’t go by the boat train to London as she had planned.
After all, why should she? No one was waiting for her, nobody expected her. She had only just got off that heaving creaking boat (it had been an exceptionally rough three days through the Bay and up to Plymouth) and the last thing she wanted was to get into a heaving swaying train. She would go to a hotel, a nice firm steady hotel standing on good solid ground. And she would get into a nice steady bed that didn’t creak and roll. And she would go to sleep, and the next morning—why, of course—what a splendid idea! She would hire a car and she would drive slowly and without hurrying herself all through the South of England looking about for a house—a nice house—the house that she and Giles had planned she should find. Yes, that was a splendid idea.
In that way she would see something of England—of the England that Giles had told her about and which she had never seen; although, like most New Zealanders, she called it Home. At the moment, England was not looking particularly attractive. It was a grey day with rain imminent and a sharp irritating wind blowing. Plymouth, Gwenda thought, as she moved forward obediently in the queue for Passports and Customs, was probably not the best of England.
On the following morning, however, her feelings were entirely different. The sun was shining. The view from her window was attractive. And the universe in general was no longer waving and wobbling. It had steadied down. This was England at last and here she was, Gwenda Reed, young married woman of twenty-one, on her travels. Giles’s return to England was uncertain. He might follow her in a few weeks. It might be as long as six months. His suggestion had been that Gwenda should precede him to England and should look about for a suitable house. They both thought it would be nice to have, somewhere, a permanency. Giles’s job would always entail a certain amount of travelling. Sometimes Gwenda would come too, sometimes the conditions would not be suitable. But they both liked the idea of having a home—some place of their own. Giles had inherited some furniture from an aunt recently, so that everything combined to make the idea a sensible and practical one.
