
作者:Joe Layden
商品尺寸:10.6 x 1.3 x 17.1 cm

科比·布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant)是举世瞩目的篮球巨星,也是前NBA篮球运动员乔·布莱恩特的儿子。他被誉为迈克尔·乔丹的接班人,多年效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队,屡创佳绩。本书Kobe《科比传记》将从家庭背景、成长历程、职业生涯等方面,让读者更加全面、深入地了解真实的科比,从中学习他的进取心和永不言弃的体育精神。书中还包含8页彩色照片、个人职业数据记录等;对于球迷来说,本书具有很大的收藏价值。

Meet Kobe Bryant, Los Angeles Lakers' young basketball prodigy and the heir apparent to the great Michael Jordan himself. Here, for the first time, is the whole story of this incredible athlete--how he became the great person and incredible gifted, driven player he is today. Follow Kobe's life from growing up as the son of an NBA player through his decision to turn pro at 17, his rookie season, the All-Star Game, and his amazing second year in the pros.
A must for every fan, Kobe includes eight pages of color photos, personal stats, and the rising star's career records.

"A star is born; his name is Kobe." --Los Angeles Times

"The kid is real good and I see a lot of myself in him, no doubt about it." --Michael Jordan

"Every day Kobe comes to practice is a highlight film." --All-Star Eddie Jones, L.A. Lakers

"The kid is real good and I see a lot of myself in him, no doubt about it." --Michael Jordan

Joe Laydenis a freelance magazine writer and the author of several books, including All the Rage with Charles Haley. His home is in New York.

1. Family Matters
2. High School All-American
3. “I’m Taking My Talent To The NBA”
4. Draft Dodging
5. I Love LA.!
6. The Rookie
7. In Your Face!
8. Lessons Learned
9. Second Season, Second Chances
10. Air Apparent
11. Sophomore Slump
12. Showtime!

It has often been said that if you aspire to a career as a professional athlete, the smartest thing you can do is choose good parents. In just about every way imaginable. Kobe Bryant got lucky. He was born into a caring, loving family whose athletic roots ran deep.
His father, Joe Bryant, was a prep star who led John Bartram High School to the Philadelphia Public League basketball championship in 1972. Joe was recruited by some of the top Division I college programs in the country, including Maryland and Notre Dame. In the end, though, he decided to attend La Salle University in Philadelphia, so that he could remain close to friends and family.
While Joe was at La Salle, he began dating a young woman named Pam Cox. The two had first met while they were still in high school. Their grandparents lived on the same block, and occasionally the two teenagers would run into each other during family visits. Joe was captivated by Pam even then, and told some of his friends that one day he would marry her. But their romance would need a few years to blossom.
Interestingly enough, their first real date was preceded by a basketball game. Joe Bryant was playing for La Salle and Pam’s brother, John “Chubby” Cox, was playing for Villanova. The two schools were both involved in a doubleheader one night at the Palestra, in downtown Philadelphia. Pam, a student at Clarion State, was in the stands to watch her brother play. But before the evening was over, she had turned her attention to Joe.
“I was sitting on one side and I see her parents, and she’s sitting on the other side and sees my parents,” Joe Bryant recalled during an interview with the Philadelphia Inquirer. “And I was walking around to see her parents, and she was walking around to see mine.
