书名:I Am a Bunny 我是一只兔子
作者:Ole Risom
出版社名称:Golden Books
商品尺寸:13 x 1.4 x 24.1 cm

I Am a Bunny《我是一只兔子》是一本非常经典的儿童绘本读物,从50年前初版至今,一直风靡着全世界。小兔子尼古拉斯,不仅深受无数孩子和家长们的青睐,还一直打动着成年人。这是一本亲子读物,同时也一个温暖无数人心的故事。
The Richard Scarry classic about the seasons is now available as a Little Golden Book—for the first time ever! I Am A Bunny now stars in the Little Golden Book line! Richard Scarry’s character of Nicholas the bunny, who celebrates the seasons as they go by, will now be available alongside other iconic Little Golden Book characters such as The Poky Little Puppy and Scuffy the Tugboat!
“Great alpha waves of contemplative calm emanate page by page from this exceptional book.”— Goodreads 
“This book is perfect for babies and toddlers who are actively discovering the natural world around them.” — Goodreads 
“The charming Nicholas, (the bunny of the title), takes us gently, sweetly, thoughtfully, and happily through the four seasons of the year. We learn about the seasons, weather, colors, counting, animals, plants, and having fun outdoors. I learn, each time I read it, to take a deep breath, smile, relax, and give thanks” — Goodreads

兰登书屋旗下小金书系列,精选了众多著名的童书。《我是一只兔子》就是其中一本经典。这个版本是为了庆祝小兔子尼古拉斯诞生50周年而发型的纸板书,由著名插画师Richard Scarry亲自绘制书中插画。书中小兔子穿着红色的衣服,向人们讲述着它眼里四季的故事:春天,它采撷花儿;夏天,它与青蛙为伴;秋天,它和伙伴们一起准备冬季的到来;而冬天,他看着雪花纷飞,一边躲在自己的小树屋,悠扬地做起冬日的美梦。
I am a bunny. My name is Nicholas. I live in a hollow tree. 
 This classic Golden Book, illustrated by Richard Scarry, celebrates its 50th anniversary with the story of Nicholas, a bunny clad in red overalls. In the spring, he picks flowers, and in the summer, watches the frogs in the pond. In the fall, he sees the animals getting ready for winter. And when winter comes, he watches the snow falling from the sky... then curls up in his hollow tree to dream about Spring. No child’s library is complete without this gentle story of the seasons.



欧雷·里索姆OLE RISOM),一位在童书界极富威望的作家,是兰登书屋旗下小金书系列的艺术总监,并且曾任兰登书屋青少部的副总裁。他在儿童及青年读物出版界的影响力,几乎无人能及。他所编辑、撰写的儿童读物、青少年读物,均风靡世界,受到无数孩子和家长们的青睐。而他作品的成功,有一部分原因是因为他亲密的工作伙伴,同样是出色艺术家的理查德·斯凯瑞(RICHARD SCARRY),为他的书籍绘制的那些插画。两人经常一起合作,推出了无数畅销世界的童书作品。
OLE RISOM was one of the most influential publishers of mass-market books for children. He was vice president and art director of Golden Books at Western Publishing from 1952-1972, and then vice president and associate publisher of the juvenile division of Random House from 1972 to 1990. He worked closely with RICHARD SCARRY over the years at both houses.
Generations of children all over the world have grown up spending hours poring over RICHARD SCARRY’s oversized books filled with all the details of their lives. No other illustrator has shown such interest in the day-to-day words and concepts of childhood. Scarry was raised and educated in Boston. After five years of drawing maps and designing graphics for the U.S. Army, he moved to New York to pursue a career in commercial art. But after showing his portfolio to one of the original editors at Golden Books, he found a home for himself. In the extraordinary career that followed, Richard Scarry illustrated over one hundred books, including almost thirty Little Golden Books and ten Big Golden Books, many of which have never been out of print.