
书名:Warren Buffett's Ground Rules 巴菲特致股东的信 投资原则篇

作者:Jeremy Miller

出版社名称:Profile Books




商品尺寸:12.9 x 2.1 x 19.8 cm


At the age of 26, Warren Buffett founded Buffett Partnership Limited, which lasted from 1956 to 1970. During this time he wrote 33 letters to his small but growing group of partners. These letters chronicle his thoughts, approaches and reflections in the period immediately prior to his Berkshire Hathaway tenure - one that saw an unprecedented record of investing success.

This early period was astonishing: in 1968 he beat the Dow by more than 50%. Because Buffett wanted to ensure that his partners understood his process, he wrote letters. In them, he sets out what he termed "ground rules" for investing that remain startlingly relevant today for every type of investor - from beginners to sophisticated pros. Warren Buffett's Ground Rules brings together, for the first time, and with Buffett's blessing, the key investment principles and teachings the letters reveal. Here you will find the basis for Buffett's contrarian diversification strategy, his almost religious celebration of compounding interest and his tactics for bettering market results by at least 10% annually.

Quoting extensively and directly from Buffett, equity research expert Jeremy Miller introduces us to the timeless advice the letters contain, demonstrating a set of highly effective investment strategies that continue to resonate today.

杰里米·米勒(Jeremy C. Miller)是伯克希尔公司的长期股东,他在垂直研究所(合伙企业)从事机构销售业务,这是一家在纽约市成立的著名证券研究公司,其客户包括一些世界规模的资金管理机构。每年伯克希尔股东年会前夕,他都会在奥马哈为一群客户举办晚宴。
