

Mercy Watson Boxed Set:

Adventures of a Porcine Wonder 

Kate DiCamillo




作者:Kate DiCamillo, Chris Van Dusen (Illustrator)

ISBN: 9780763657093

ISBN-10: 0763657093

年龄: 6 - 8 岁

年级: 2 - 4

格式: 平装

语言: 英语

页数: 496

出版时间: 2011 年 9 月 27 日

尺寸(厘米): 21.1 x 16.8 x 4.83




挫败强盗、驾驶汽车、穿上芭蕾舞短裙——在她一心一意地追求零食、黄油吐司或只是欢快的欢乐时光中,有什么事情是猪奇迹不会做的?谁知道她淘气的眼睛里闪烁着什么其他的冒险?在这里,对于 Mercy Watson 的忠实粉丝和新朋友来说,这是一本厚厚的平装故事集,会让读者高兴得尖叫起来。图书包括:

1. Mercy Watson 救援

2. Mercy Watson 去兜风

3. Mercy Watson 打击犯罪

4. Mercy Watson:乔装打扮的公主

5. Mercy Watson 像猪一样思考

6. Mercy Watson:这事儿有点怪

Oh, Mercy! Pig out on the first six adventures in the New York Times best-selling series, all tucked together in one enticing box—the perfect gift!

Foiling a robber, driving a car, squeezing into a tutu—is there anything the porcine wonder won’t do in her single-minded pursuit of treats, buttered toast, or just a rollicking fun time? And who knows what other adventures twinkle in her mischievous eyes? Here, for Mercy Watson’s loyal fans and new friends, comes a big fat paperback collection of pig tales that will have readers squealing with delight. Included are: Mercy Watson to the Rescue Mercy; Watson Goes for a Ride ;Mercy Watson Fights Crime ;Mercy Watson: Princess in Disguise ;Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig ;Mercy Watson: Something Wonky This Way Comes


凯特·迪卡米洛(Kate DiCamillo)是《绝望的故事》(The Tale of Despereaux)的作者,获得纽伯瑞奖章;波士顿环球号角图书奖得主爱德华杜兰的奇迹之旅;因为Winn-Dixie,纽伯瑞荣誉奖获得者;The Tiger Rising图书奖决赛入围者;和绘本《大喜乐》。她住在明尼阿波利斯。

Kate DiCamillo is the author of The Tale of Despereaux, which was awarded the Newbery Medal; The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, winner of a Boston Globe-Horn Book Award; Because of Winn-Dixie, a Newbery Honor winner; The Tiger Rising, a National Book Award Finalist; and the picture book Great Joy. She lives in Minneapolis.


Chris Van Dusen 是一位专业插画家,他的作品经常出现在杂志和广告中。他还撰写并绘制了许多儿童绘本。他为凯特·迪·卡米洛 (Kate Di Camillo) 撰写的 Mercy Watson 系列插图具有怀旧的漫画风格。克里斯住在美缅因州。

Chris Van Dusen is a professional illustrator whose work features regularly in magazines and advertisements. He has also written and illustrated a number of children's picture books. His illustrations for the Mercy Watson series, written by Kate Di Camillo, have a nostalgic comic flair. Chris lives in Maine, USA.
