
银河守卫队游戏 艺术设定集 

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Art of the Game

出版社 ? : ? Titan Books Ltd

语言 ? : ? 英语

平装 ? : ? 192 页

ISBN-10 : 178909674X

ISBN-13 ? : ? 9781789096743

商品重量 ? : ? 1,610.25g

尺寸 ? : ? 302 x 273 x 22.86mm



在漫威的《银河守护者》(Guarders of the Galaxy)中,跳上一段穿越宇宙的狂野旅程,这是一次由故事驱动的动作冒险,全新演绎了大家喜欢的一群传奇英雄。当守护者们意外地引发了一连串灾难性事件时,星主必须不负众望,下定决心,大摇大摆地把这群不般配的人团结在一起。有一半的银河系在他们身后,宇宙中一些大的实体在逍遥法外,会出什么问题呢?


Jump on a wild ride across the cosmos in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, a story-driven action-adventure with a fresh take on everyone's favorite ragtag group of legendary heroes. When the Guardians accidentally set off a chain reaction of catastrophic events, Star-Lord must live up to his skills, resolve, and swagger to hold this combustible band of misfits together. With half the galaxy after them and some of the most powerful entities in the universe on the loose, what could go wrong?

Embark on the epic journey behind the scenes of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy in this beautiful hardback book. Accompanied by fascinating insights from the talented artists and developers behind the game, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Art of the Game features exclusive concept artwork and final designs of the characters, costumes, gear, ships, creatures, planets, and environments that make up its vast universe.
