
Political Power: Bernie Sanders

作者: Davis, Darren G.
出版社: Tidalwave Productions (2017年10月26日)
页数: 26页
语种: 英语
ISBN: 9781948216203
条形码: 9781948216203
商品重量: 60.00g
商品尺寸: 24.41cm * 16.99cm * 0.13cm


The longest serving independent member of Congress in American History, the unassuming senator from Vermont is a supporter of the middle class who vows to end the toxic partisan divide in Congress. A grassroots-level groundswell of support has catapulted Sanders into the national spotlight, forcing his competitors to, "Feel the Bern "

As featured on CNN, FOX News, Time Magazine, The Washington Post, LA Times, OK Magazine, and MSNBC Political Power is a comic book series that features biographies on modern politics. Read the comic book biography on Bernie Sanders.
