
40 Top Marketing Mistakes: Towards More Effective Video Marketing

作者: Bradford Ph. D., Dennis E.
出版社: Ironox Works, Incorporated (2014年12月14日)
页数: 148页
语种: 英语
ISBN: 9781940487021
条形码: 9781940487021
商品重量: 210.00g
商品尺寸: 22.91cm * 15.19cm * 0.81cm

How to grow your business: It's false that there's a balance between efforts and rewards. The world is unbalanced in the sense that a minority of inputs usually determines a majority of outputs. If you want to differentiate your company from your competitors, do what they are not doing, namely, focus your effort where they'll have the greatest rewards. This means spending 80% of your productive efforts on just two tasks. First, generate more leads. This book explains how to use video to do that. Second, convert a higher percentage of those leads into customers, clients, or patients. This book explains the best way to increase conversions. So using the ideas from this book will really help you to knock out your competition.

Biographical Note
Dr. Dennis E. Bradford is a former member of MENSA who has written over 20 well-regarded books on doing better in business and in life including 12 PUBLICITY MISTAKES THAT KEEP MARKETERS POOR, HOW TO BECOME HAPPILY PUBLISHED, and IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT THE MONEY! Go to his Amazon Central author's profile for more information: http: //www.amazon.com/Dennis-E.-Bradford-Ph.D./e/B0047EI11A/