
DP Chinese A Language and Literature Course Booklet of Basic Concepts of Non-literary Contexts (Simplified Character Version)




出版地区 / 中国香港

ISBN13 / 9789620449581

页数 / 224

装订 / P:平装

尺寸 / 14.0X21.0 CM 大32开




This book is a booklet of basic concepts of non-literary contexts specifically designed for IBDP Chinese A language and literature course, which is complied according to the newest outline. It includes nearly 600 knowledge points of 31 common styles to assist students to write non-literary contexts reviews by illustrating concepts, genres, structures, elements and language characteristics of certain text types.


徐亮,英剑桥普通水平A Level中文考官,曾任教于新加坡多所际学校,以及杜克大学、清华大学等多所高校的中文合作项目,现任新加坡圣约瑟际书院中文教师,有十余年教学经验。

季建莉,IBDP中文A考官、英剑桥普通水平O Level中文考官、IGCSE和A Level中文考官、HSK际汉语教师资格证考官,IBDP教师培训官,曾任教于中国、新加坡多所际学校,现任上海燎原双语学校际课程部校长,有二十余年教学经验。

Liang Xu, examiner of Cambridge General Level A Chinese, with over 10 years teaching experiences, has taught in multiple international schools in Singapore and Chinese cooperation programs in various universities including Duke University and Tsinghua University, and is currently a Chinese teacher in St. Josephs Institution International School in Singapore.


Jianli Ji, examiner of IBDP Chinese A, Cambridge General Level O Chinese and HSK Chinese Teacher Certificate, teacher trainer of IBDP courses, with over 20 years teaching experiences, has taught in multiple international schools in China and Singapore, and is currently a head teacher of international department in Shanghai Liaoyuan Bilingual School.

