
The Calligraphy of San Francisco Chinatown

作者: Aston, Richard
出版社: Richard Aston (2022年08月31日)
页数: 140页
语种: 英语
ISBN: 9781733898713
条形码: 9781733898713
商品重量: 740.00g
商品尺寸: 21.59cm * 27.94cm * 1.27cm

Every year, thousands of visitors wander through Chinatown, gazing at the profusion of calligraphy, many wonder what it all means. Are the characters pictures, words, or some kind of alphabet? There are many books on calligraphy as fine art, but none that put it into the context of everyday life. Like any other form of writing, Chinese calligraphy is used for simple communication, yet it is unique in the aesthetic qualities it can convey. This book will help the visitor to Chinatown view calligraphy with appreciation, even though its meaning remains hidden.
