
Crisis in the Red Zone: The Story of the Deadliest Ebola Outbreak in History, and of the Outbreaks to Come


Format:Paperback 400 pages

Publisher:Random House Publishing Group

Imprint:Random House Trade Paperbacks


Published:3 Apr 2020


Dimensions:134 x 202 x 25 (mm)












NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER. The 2013-2014 Ebola epidemic was the deadliest ever—but the outbreaks continue. Now comes the gripping account of the doctors and scientists fighting to protect us, an urgent wake-up call about the future of emerging viruses—from the #1 bestselling author of The Hot Zone, now a National Geographic original miniseries.

In the taut and suspenseful Crisis in the Red Zone, Preston chronicles the recent Ebola epidemic of 2013-2014—the worst outbreak of hemorrhagic fever in history, where we saw for the first time the specter of Ebola jumping continents, crossing the ocean, and killing people in America. Rich in characters and conflict—physical, emotional, and ethical—Crisis in the Red Zone is a total immersion into one of the great medical calamities of our time.

Preston writes of doctors and nurses in the field putting their own lives on the line, government bureaucrats and NGO administrators moving, often fitfully, to try to contain the outbreak, and of the pharmaceutical companies racing to develop drugs to combat the virus. Preston also explores the charged ethical dilemma over who should and did receive the rare experimental doses when they became available.

Crisis in the Red Zone makes clear that the outbreak of 2013-2014 did not mark the end of a disease cycle, but rather is a harbinger of further, more severe outbreaks, and of emerging viruses heretofore unimagined—in any country, on any continent. Now, in our ever more interconnected world, with roads and towns cut deep into the jungles of Africa, viruses both familiar and undiscovered are being unleashed into more densely populated areas than ever before. This time, Ebola’s first victim was a two-year-old child who likely contracted the virus by consuming bush meat, and whose entire family quickly fell ill and died. The ensuing global drama activated health professionals in the United States, Europe, and Africa in a desperate race against time to contain the viral wildfire.

With the virosphere more deadly than ever, Crisis in the Red Zone is an exquisitely timely book, both intimately chronicling the largest Ebola outbreak in history, and warning of viral outbreaks to come.


理查德·普雷斯顿 Richard Preston,美国非虚构作家,《纽约客》撰稿人。他在普林斯顿大学获得了英文博士学位,师从著名的非虚构作家约翰·麦克菲。普雷斯顿擅长以非虚构手法处理科学题材。1984年,他出版了非虚构作品《第一道光》,这本天文学题材的书获得了美国物理学学会的科学写作奖。十年后,普雷斯顿推出了另一部科学写作经典《血疫》,这本描写埃博拉病毒缘起的作品获得了巨大的成功,长踞《纽约时报》非虚构类畅销书榜首达61周。普雷斯顿因此获得了美国疾病控制与预防中心颁发的防疫斗士奖,他也是有史以来唯一以非医师身份获奖的得主。

Richard Preston is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Hot Zone, as well as Panic in Level 4, The Cobra Event, and The Demon in the Freezer, also New York Times bestsellers. A writer for The New Yorker since 1985, Preston won the American Institute of Physics Award and is the only non-doctor ever to have received the CDC’s Champion of Prevention award. He has an asteroid named after him and lives outside of New York City.
