
卡普兰GMAT备考完全指南2020 4本套装 英文原版

GMAT Complete 2020







2,000多道带有详细解释的练习题涵盖了Verbal、Quantitative、Analytical Writing和Integrated Reasoning部分。



卡普兰畅销的GMAT Prep Plus 2020、GMAT 800、GMAT数学练习册和GMAT口语练习册也包括在内,以便进行更多的练习和复习。

Kaplan's GMAT Complete 2020 is your comprehensive guide to acing the GMAT-master our proven strategies with four best-selling prep books, review key content, practice your pacing, and become an expert in the exam's computerized format with online practice.

We're so confident that GMAT Complete 2020 will raise your score that we guarantee it: After studying with the online resources and books, you'll score higher on the GMAT-or you'll get your money back.

With GMAT Complete 2020, you can prep on the go. Log in from anywhere to do practice sets and even practice tests.

The Most Practice

2,000 practice questions with detailed explanations cover the Verbal, Quantitative, Analytical Writing, and Integrated Reasoning sections.

Six full-length online practice tests in the same shorter format as the revised GMAT help you practice using the same computer interface and adaptivity you'll see on Test Day.

Our 500 question online Quiz Bank lets you customize your practice and select problems by topic and difficulty.

Kaplan's best-selling GMAT Prep Plus 2020, GMAT 800, GMAT Math Workbook, and GMAT Verbal Workbook are included for even more practice and review.


80 年来,Kaplan Test Prep (www.kaptest.com) 一直在帮助学生提高知识、技能和信心,以便他们在考试当天取得佳成绩。我们的备考书籍和在线资源提供学生在教育旅程的每一步所需的专家指导 - 结合了 Kaplan 学生和我们自己的专业心理测量师测试的多年特定测试数据和策略。


我们为 90 多项标准化考试提供准备——包括中学、大学和研究生院的入学考试,以及律师、医生和护士的专业执照考试。

借助一系列自定进度和实时在线课程,以及印刷书籍和移动应用程序,您可以使用 Kaplan 按照自己的日程安排和自己的速度学习。 Kaplan 的私人导师和招生顾问通过一对一的支持来补充这些产品。

For 80 years, Kaplan Test Prep (www.kaptest.com) has been helping students grow their knowledge, skills and confidence so they can be their best on Test Day. Our prep books and online resources provide the expert guidance that students need at every step of their educational journey - incorporating years of test-specific data and strategies tested by Kaplan students and our own expert psychometricians.

After helping millions of students, we know what works. Our guides deliver knowledge with clarity and simplicity while focusing on the specialized strategies that keep test-takers ahead of the clock and at the top of their game.

We offer preparation for more than 90 standardized tests - including entrance exams for secondary school, college, and graduate school, as well as professional licensing exams for attorneys, physicians, and nurses.

With a full array of self-paced and live online courses, as well as print books and mobile apps, you can use Kaplan to study on your own schedule and at your own speed. Kaplan's private tutors and admissions consultants supplement those offerings with one-on-one support.

