Marketing Your Consulting and Professional Services

作者: Connor, Dick
出版社: Wiley (1997年09月22日)
页数: 288页
ISBN: 9780471133926
条形码: 9780471133926
商品重量: 0.55g
商品尺寸: 23.70cm * 16.03cm * 2.62cm

This update of a very successful resource details the authors' proven "Client-Centered Marketing" approach to penetrating new markets. Timely and action-oriented, it explains how to find and capitalize on a consulting niche. Focuses strongly on continuing to acquire new clients. Includes worksheets and checklists to help readers implement ideas.

Dieses Buch hilft Beratern, sich selbst und ihre jeweiligen Dienstleistungen zu vermarkten. Der Autor beschreibt mit dem Client-Centered Marketing (Kundenorientiertes Markekting) eine Methode, neue M盲rkte zu durchdringen. Detailliert wird aufgef脙1/4hrt, wie man eine L脙1/4cke im Beratungsangebot aufsp脙1/4rt, diese L脙1/4cke ausnutzt, einen bestimmten Industriezweig anvisiert und untersucht, den Zielmarkt versteht, potentielle Kunden klassifiziert und bewertet, mit Beratungsleistungen wirbt und diese dann an den Zielmarkt verkauft. Diese 3. Auflage besteht aus einer weitgehend 脙1/4berarbeiteten und umstrukturierten 2. Auflage und enth盲lt dar脙1/4ber hinaus 12 neue Kapitel. (10/97)

While finding and keeping a core group of clients remains the bread and butter of any consultant's business, doing so is far from simple in a field that's becoming increasingly crowded and competitive. Today, as the result of drastic shifts in the landscape--information technology, virtual organizations, telecommuting--targeting and attracting clients is a greater challenge than ever. To help you meet that challenge head on, Marketing Your Consulting and Professional Services, the bible for consultants and professionals worldwide, has been thoroughly revised and expanded. This brand new Third Edition gives you the tools and the know-how to survive and thrive in today's tough market. Beginning with a comprehensive overview, this updated resource keeps you abreast of current trends and issues. In addition, you'll find complete coverage of Dick Connor's innovative--and highly effective--Client-Centered Marketing(TM) (CCM) approach, a practical deliverables-driven system for penetrating specific markets. This easy-to-follow, six-part process helps you achieve a myriad of essential marketing objectives: from expanding services for current clients and capitalizing on the potential within your business to generating profitable growth and managing your image with clients and targets. With a wealth of new information that focuses on finding and qualifying new clients--what every consultant worries about most--this new edition of Marketing Your Consulting and Professional Services, Third Edition provides essential information on: Complete with helpful worksheets and check-lists, as well as precise definitions of terminology and an annotated bibliography, Marketing Your Consulting and Professional Services, Third Edition is a must for today's fiercely competitive, highly demanding marketplace.

DICK CONNOR, CMC, is a consultant specializing in accounting andgeneral business and a former associate professor of management atNorthwestern Graduate School of Management. He is the author ofIncreasing Revenue from Your Clients and coauthor with JeffDavidson of Getting New Clients, both published by Wiley.

JEFF DAVIDSON, CMC, is a full-time professional speaker and theauthor of 25 books, including Marketing on a Shoestring: Low-CostTips for Marketing Your Products or Services (Wiley).
