
Speedy Yoga: 50 Peaceful Poses to Balance Your Busy Life

作者: Scott, Rachel
出版社: Cider Mill Press (2019年11月11日)
页数: 40页
语种: 英语
ISBN: 9781604339093
条形码: 9781604339093
商品重量: 450.00g
商品尺寸: 22.10cm * 15.75cm * 2.54cm

Discover the wonders of stress-free yoga with the help of this speedy pose book.

Save yourself time with easy-to-follow yoga routines specially designed for your busy lifestyle. With dozens of poses just a page turn away, you'll have one less reason to skip your daily workout. This conveniently tabbed pose guide allows you to learn new poses and refresh yourself on your favorites with ease, and with yoga routines for any time of day, perfecting your balance and relaxing your body has never been simpler.

Scott, Rachel: - Rachel is the Director of Teachers' College and Developmentat YYoga, Canada's largest yoga company headquartered in Vancouver, BC and contributes regularly to Yoga International and the Huffington Post. She shares her knowledge exuberantly; enjoy her tips, classes, and musings at www.rachelyoga.com.

Biographical Note
Rachel is the Director of Teachers' College and Developmentat YYoga, Canada's largest yoga company headquartered in Vancouver, BC and contributes regularly to Yoga International and the Huffington Post. She shares her knowledge exuberantly; enjoy her tips, classes, and musings at www.rachelyoga.com.
