
书名:I'm a Big Sister 我是姐姐
作者:Joanna Cole
语种: 英文
商品尺寸:15.9 x 1 x 17.8 cm

这本英文绘本I'm a Big Sister《我是姐姐》可以帮助家长解决如何让大宝做好迎接心理准备、跟小宝宝的相处、适应“姐姐”这个新角色以及建立正确的家庭角色等问题。本书推荐给家里有女孩,打算生二胎的爸爸妈妈们,同时也适合3岁以上有一定英文基础的孩子自主阅读。
1. 吴敏兰,运用不同情境的疑问句来展示孩子的好奇心理,实用性强;
2.《神奇校车》系列作者Joanna Cole编写,故事有趣,用词简单,句式较短,适合家长和孩子一起阅读;
3. 画风温馨可爱、色彩鲜艳,字体较大,对孩子有较大的吸引力,有利于培养孩子的阅读兴趣。
“Someone new is at our house,” begins this loving, reassuring celebration of sisterhood from trusted author Joanna Cole.
Told through the eyes of a new older sister, this simple story lays out all the good things about being an older sibling, and just how exciting welcoming a new member to the family can be.
With an author's note about what big siblings need—extra guidance, reassurance, love—and sweet, engaging artwork by Rosalinda Kightley, it's no wonder that nearly 4 million families have chosen I’m a Big Sister and I’m a Big Brother to prepare their young ones for their first big transition.

When there’s a new baby in the house, and older sibling need a little extra — a little extra guidance, a little extra reassurance, and a little extra love. Here are some ways to help your older child adjust to his new role.

Joanna Cole乔安娜·柯尔,美国儿童作家,曾做过教师、图书馆管理员和儿童读物编辑,是美国著名儿童自然科学图书Magic School Bus《神奇校车》系列的作者之一,其他作品有I’m a Big Brother《我是哥哥》、I’m a Big Sister《我是姐姐》。
Joanna Cole is the author of the popularMagic School Bus series,I’m a Big Brother,I’m a Big Sister, and many other award-winning books. InAsking About Sex & Growing Up, she provides a reassuring blend of practical guidance and scientific fact for the audience that needs it most.
