
书名:American Sniper 美国狙击手
作者:Chris Kyle
商品尺寸:10.1 x 2.8 x 19 cm

American Sniper is a memoir by United States Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, written with Scott McEwen and Jim DeFelice. With 255 kills, 160 of them officially confirmed by the Pentagon, Kyle is the deadliest marksman in U.S. military history. The book was published by William Morrow and Company on January 2, 2012, and appeared on The New York Times Best Seller list for 37 weeks.
The memoir has sold over 1.2 million copies across all formats (hardcover, paper, and ebook), including 700,000 copies in 2015 alone, making it one of the best-selling books of 2015. It landed atop all the major best-seller lists including the aforementioned The New York Times, and Publishers Weekly, USA Today and No. 2 on Amazon. Its film adaptation directed by Clint Eastwood and featuring Bradley Cooper as Kyle was released in 2014.

凯尔是美军海豹突击队三分队的一名狙击手,他在伊拉克战争中刷新了美军单兵狙杀纪录,还创下了在2100码(1920米)外射杀敌人的纪录,被美国国防部正式确认为美军狙击手。在American Sniper《美国狙击手》中,作者详细讲述了美军海豹突击队内部的运作方式、训练方式和作战特征,真实地描绘了惊心动魄的战争以及狙击手的心理。它是美军狙击手的故事,是自传,也是传奇;是回忆,也是反思。
From 1999 to 2009, U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle recorded the most career sniper kills in United States military history. His fellow American warriors, whom he protected with deadly accuracy from rooftops and stealth positions during the Iraqi War, called him “The Legend”; meanwhile, the enemy feared him so much they placed a bounty on his head. Gripping and unforgettable, Kyle’s masterful account of his extraordinary battlefield experiences ranks as one of the great war memoirs of all time.

SEAL Team 3 Chief Chris Kyle (1974–2013) was awarded two Silver Stars, five Bronze Stars with Valor, and numerous other citations. Following four combat tours in Iraq, he became chief instructor for training Naval Special Warfare sniper teams.

Author’s Note作者注解
Map of Iraq伊拉克地图
Prologue: Evil in the Crosshairs序:克罗斯的魔鬼
1. Butstin’ Broncs and Other Ways of Having Fun 原本只想做个快乐的牛仔 
2. Jackhammered成为海豹突击队员
3. Takedowns搜查一切可疑船只
4. Five Minutes to Live生死五分钟
5. Sniper成为狙击手
6. Dealing Death武装分子的反击
7. Down in the Shit陷入困境
8. Family Conflicts家庭冲突
9. The Punishers正义使者
10. The Devil of Ramadi拉马迪魔鬼
11. Man Down队友不幸牺牲
12. Hard Times艰难时刻
13. Mortality生死一线
14. Home and Out归家,退伍

Every story has a beginning. 
Mine starts in north-central Texas. I grew up in small towns where I learned the importance of family and traditional values, like patriotism, self-reliance, and watching out for your family and neighbors. I’m proud to say that I still try to live my life according to those values. I have a strong sense of justice. It’s pretty much black-and-white. I don’t see too much gray. I think it’s important to protect others. I don’t mind hard work. At the same time, I like to have fun. Life’s too short not to. 
I was raised with, and still believe in, the Christian faith. If I had to order my priorities, they would be God, Country, Family. There might be some debate on where those last two fall—these days I’ve come around to believing that Family may, under some circumstances, outrank Country. But it’s a close race.
