
书名:An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth 甘地自传:我追求真理的历程
作者:M.K. Gandhi甘地
出版社名称:Penguin Classics
商品尺寸:12.9 x 2 x 19.8 cm

An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth《甘地自传:我追求真理的历程》所讲述的不是英雄的传奇人生,而是一位慈祥的长者,平实、坦诚、毫无保留地与读者分享自己一生体验真理的故事。甘地说:“我的本意并不是要写一部真正的自传,而只是想将我探索真理的众多故事讲述出来。”
“后世的子孙也许很难相信,世上竟走过这样一个活生生的人。” —— 爱因斯坦
“在使人们断绝邪恶的斗争中,或许甘地不会成功,或许他会像佛陀和耶稣一样遭到失败,但是他的一生对子孙是一种教益,为此,人民永远牢记着他。”—— 泰戈尔
“全人类良心的代言人。是他,使谦逊与真理的力量超过了强权的力量。”—— 美国前国务卿马歇尔
“我认为甘地的观点是我们这个时代所有政治家中非常高明的。我们应该朝着他的精神所指引的方向努力:不是通过暴力达到我们的目的,而是不同你认为邪恶的势力结盟。” —— 爱因斯坦
“照耀在这个国土上的光辉非同寻常,千年之后,它仍将耀眼夺目。世人将看到这灿烂辉煌,它将为所有人带来慰藉。它代表生命和永恒的真理,为我们指引正确的道路,免入歧途,带领我们的古老国家走向自由。”—— 印度独立后首任总理尼赫鲁

Gandhi’s non-violent struggles against racism, violence, and colonialism in South Africa and India had brought him to such a level of notoriety, adulation that when asked to write an autobiography midway through his career, he took it as an opportunity to explain himself. He feared the enthusiasm for his ideas tended to exceed a deeper understanding of his quest for truth rooted in devotion to God. His attempts to get closer to this divine power led him to seek purity through simple living, dietary practices, celibacy, and a life without violence. This is not a straightforward narrative biography, inThe Story of My Experiments with Truth, Gandhi offers his life story as a reference for those who would follow in his footsteps.
“Here is an autobiography more captivating than fiction and more stimulating than romantic adventure. It is the most revealing study of the human soul that I have ever read.” —The Christian Century
“An absorbing book that stands alone in frankness and plain honesty... Its place among the classics of autobiography cannot be in doubt.” —The New Statesman
“An amazingly frank self-revelation of the greatest and humblest modern man.” —The Annals
“It is... only by reading the whole long and detailed day-by-day record that readers can sense the magic of Gandhi s being and discover him fully.” —Saturday Review
“(Gandhi’s) autobiography remains invaluable for its account of the shaping of a new path to collective resistance to injustice.” — From the foreword by Sissela Bok


Mohandas K Gandhi was born in 1869 to Hindu parents. He studied law in London and was admitted to the Inner Temple in 1891. He worked to improve the rights of immigrant Indians in South Africa, returning to India in 1915 to take up the struggle for independence from Britain. Gandhi never wavered in his belief in non-violent protest and Independence, in 1947, was not a military victory but a triumph of human will. In January 1948 Gandhi assassinated as he walked to take evening prayers.

Sunil Khilnaniis Professor of Politics at Birkbeck College, University of London. His publications includeArguing Revolution: The Intellectual Left in Postwar France (1993),The Idea of India (Penguin, 1998) and (with Sudipta Kaviraj)Civil Society: History and Possibilities (2001), and he is currently writing a biography of Jawaharlal Nehru.
