Publisher : Guinness World Records Limited (15 Sept. 2022)

Language : English

Hardcover : 256 pages

ISBN-10 : 1913484211

ISBN-13 : 978-1913484217

Dimensions : 22.6 x 1.8 x 30.3 cm

2023年版带读者踏上了一段走出这个世界的旅程!与 奖金数字内容贯穿始终,我们揭示了蕞新和蕞伟大的记录— 在地球上,跨越遥远的距离, 空间随着对多样性和包容性的日益关注,我们展示了蕞多的 在过去一年里,令人鼓舞、引人注目、令人兴奋的成就, 在游戏和人体,工程学等众多主题中, 与野生动物.随着封锁限制的放松,人类的视野正在扩大, 再一次,我们的世界正在经历前所未囿的变化, 环境、文化、技术和社会。跟上这个令人眼花缭乱的 一场革命是吉尼斯世界纪录的评委,他们一直在忙 比以往任何时候都要多结果就是吉尼斯世界 创纪录2023!

The 2023 edition takes readers on a journey that's out of this world! With bonus digital content throughout, we reveal the latest and greatest record-breaking achievements here on Planet Earth and across the vast distances of space. With ever more focus on diversity and inclusion, we showcase the most inspirational, eye-catching, mind-blowing achievements from the past year, across a multitude of topics such as gaming and the human body, engineering and wildlife. As lockdown restrictions ease, humanity's horizons are expanding once again, and our world is experiencing unprecedented change - in the environment, culture, technology and society. Keeping up with this dizzying revolution are the Guinness World Records adjudicators, who've been busier than ever documenting the Officially Amazing. The result is Guinness World Records 2023!