




出版社:Rizzoli International Publications; Updated edition (24 May 2022)


Hardcover:376 页



尺寸:23.44 x 4.06 x 27.56 cm




为了纪念受人尊敬的美艺术家Wayne Thiebaud(他于2021年去世,享年101岁),Wayne Thiebaud作品的专著现在以重新排版的、价格合理的版本提供,包括他后的画作。


这是Wayne Thiebaud的专著,添加了新的作品,在一个重新编排的版本大小。这本书跨越了他从20世纪50年代到现在的职业生涯,是他与艺术家密切合作的结果。Thiebaud亲自挑选了这些作品,从某种意义上说,这是一本自传。在他100岁的时候,他回顾了自己的生活和作品,在绘画上充满了突破和精湛的个性。




“这本包含200多幅插图的专著可以被认为是养眼的东西。美艺术家Wayne Thiebaud以其色彩鲜艳的蛋糕、餐车派、糕点、冰淇淋甜筒、糖果和色彩鲜艳的口香糖机的画布而闻名. . . .无论是静物还是风景,Thiebaud的绘画都类似于视觉上的百忧解;看着它们时,你不可能心情不好。——堪萨斯城杂志


“虽然Thiebaud 著名的是他的蛋糕、馅饼和糖果的浓重色彩的静物画,但[这本]书展示了他更广泛的范围,从描绘高速公路和农田的充满活力的风景到孤独人物的肖像……这些文本考察了Thiebaud的影响,以及他对艺术世界和他作品的个人观众的影响。——《建筑文摘》


In remembrance of revered American artist Wayne Thiebaud who passed away in 2021 at the age of 101, the definitive monograph of Wayne Thiebaud’s work is now available in a reformatted, accessibly priced edition, including his last paintings.


This is the most comprehensive monograph to date on Wayne Thiebaud, with new works added, in a reformatted size. Spanning the length of his career from the 1950s to the present, the book has been made in close collaboration with the artist. Thiebaud selected the works himself, making the book an act of autobiography in a sense. At age 100, he looks back over his life and his work, rich with breakthroughs in painting and masterful individuality.


“Required reading for those who have a healthy appetite for provocative art.” —Bloomberg Business


“This comprehensive monograph of more than 200 illustrations can literally be considered eye candy. American artist Wayne Thiebaud is famed for his brightly colored canvases of cakes, diner pies, pastries, ice cream cones, candy and brightly colored gumball machines. . . . Whether still lifes or landscapes, Thiebaud’s paintings are akin to visual Prozac; you simply cannot be in a bad mood looking at them.” —Kansas City Magazine


“While Thiebaud is best known for his heavily pigmented still lifes of cakes, pies, and candies, [this] book shows his broader range, from vibrant landscapes depicting highways and farmland to portraits of solitary figures. . . The texts examine Thiebaud’s influences as well as his impact on the art world and the individual viewers of his work.” —Architectural Digest
