
Listen: Five Simple Tools to Meet Your Everyday Parenting Challenges

作者: Wipfler, Patty
出版社: Hand in Hand Parenting (2016年08月22日)
页数: 356页
语种: 英语
ISBN: 9780997459302
条形码: 9780997459302
商品重量: 480.00g
商品尺寸: 22.35cm * 14.99cm * 2.03cm


Listen introduces parents to five simple, practical skills even the most harried parent can use. These tools will help parents strengthen their connection with their child and help build their child's intelligence, cooperation, and ability to learn as they grow. The book delivers detailed information accompanied by more than one hundred real-life stories from parents who've used this approach to address the root causes of their child's difficult behaviors.

Five surprising things parents will learn:

- You don't have to reward or punish willful children to get them to cooperate.
- Aggressive kids are frightened kids, and there are simple tools to ease their fear so they don't need to lash out.
- Your willingness to just listen to crying or tantrums often is enough to heal a child's fears and hurts.
- Safe play during which your kid becomes the boss can reveal his hidden feelings-- and heal them too.
- Parents who regularly listen to one another's struggles, without judging or advising, often clear so much toxic emotion that their children benefit greatly.

Wipfler, Patty: - Patty Wipfler is the mother of two sons and the Founder of the non-profit organization, Hand in Hand Parenting. The focus of her life's work has been teaching and supporting parents. She directed The School, a non-profit parent co-operative preschool in Palo Alto, and later directed the Neighborhood Infant Toddler Center. She has led over 400 workshops for families and professionals who work with parents. In 1989, Patty founded the non-profit Hand in Hand. As Director, she wrote the "Listening to Children" series and over 60 articles on the principles and benefits of this approach to parenting. To date, Hand in Hand has sold over 800,000 copies of "Listening to Children" (now published as "Parenting by Connection") in English, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese. Patty Wipfler's articles have been published on Huffington Post, Mothering Magazine, Nurture Magazine, the Bulletin of Zero to Three, Child Welfare News, and in many local newsletters for parents. She has been a keynote speaker at Association for the Education of Young Children conventions in Chicago and Philadelphia, and has spoken to parents around the world. Patty has two grown sons and lives in Palo Alto, California.

Review Citations
Kirkus Reviews 01/01/0001 pg.0 (EAN 9780997459302)