
优势谈判 25周年版 Secrets of Power Negotiating 25th Anniversary Edition 英文原版 Roger Dawson


Format Paperback | 352 pages

Dimensions 152 x 229 x 24.13mm | 1g

Publication date 09 Nov 2021

Publisher Red Wheel/Weiser

Imprint New Page Books,US

Publication City/Country United States

Language English

Edition Statement Anniversary

ISBN10 1632651963

ISBN13 9781632651969




《优势谈判 》涵盖了谈判过程的方方面面,从开始的步骤到关键动作,都有实用的、经过验证的建议:如何识别不道德的策略,权力谈判策略的关键原则,为什么钱没有大家想象的那么重要,谈判的压力点,了解对方并取得优势,以及对不同谈判风格的分析。

发现罗杰所有的战术,包括。20个万无一失的谈判赌注倾听谈话中隐藏的含义你有哪些 "能力",如情境、专业知识、信息或魅力如何处理你在谈判中遇到的不同性格的人。

Roger Dawson changed the way business thinks about negotiating.

Secrets of Power Negotiating covers every aspect of the negotiating process with practical, proven advice, from beginning steps to critical final moves: how to recognize unethical tactics, key principles of the Power Negotiating strategy, why money is not as important as everyone thinks, negotiating pressure points, understanding the other party and gaining the upper hand, and analyses of different negotiating styles.

Discover all of Roger's best tactics, including: 20 surefire negotiating gambitsListening to hidden meanings in conversationWhat "powers" you have, such as situational, expertise, information, or charismaticHow to handle the different personalities you'll encounter in negotiating


罗杰-道森是强力谈判研究所的创始人,也是美国知名的谈判艺术专家之一--《成功》杂志称他为 "美国首要的商业谈判者"。他曾为一些世界知名公司培训高管,包括通用食品、通用汽车、IBM和哈佛医学院,并在世界各地举办研讨会。

Roger Dawson is the founder of the Power Negotiation Institute and one of the country's top experts on the art of negotiating--SUCCESS Magazine calls him "America's premier business negotiator." He has trained executives at some of the world's largest companies, including General Foods, General Motors, IBM, and Harvard Medical School, and has conducted seminars around the world.
