
Human Hearing and the Reality of Music

作者: Husemann, Armin J.
出版社: Steiner Books (2013年12月10日)
页数: 136页
语种: 英语
ISBN: 9781621480488
条形码: 9781621480488
商品重量: 210.00g
商品尺寸: 22.86cm * 15.24cm * 0.81cm


Music is not simply something we hear. We experience it and love it; it is a primal human need. If, as the pianist Alfred Brendel put it, that we are able to "take music at its word," we confront questions that also moved the author since his adolescent years: What takes hold of me when I experience music? What reality touches me when music is playing? What happens physiologically in the human body when we experience and make music? The author approaches these questions from three perspectives: first, from his personal experience and active love of music; second, from the physiological perspective; and third, from Rudolf Steiner's spiritual science.

Dr. Husemann (author of Form, Life, and Consciousness An Introduction to Anthroposophic Medicine and Study of the Human Being)shows how hearing is a sensory activity that encompasses far more than processes in the ear and brain, and that the whole body is involved. He also discusses the relationship between music and chemistry. Music is "chemistry from the inside." And finally, from 1915 to 1918, Rudolf Steiner developed a physiology of artistic imagination based on the movement of the cerebrospinal fluid during respiration.

Human Hearing and the Reality of Music is the first attempt to relate Steiner's spiritual research to the findings of natural scientific research in this area.

Husemann, Armin J.: - Dr. Armin J. Husemann, MD, born in 1950, worked as a school doctor from 1988 to 1993. He has been a general practitioner in private practice since 1987 in Stuttgart, Germany. Since 1993, he has been the director and a lecturer at the Eugen Kolisko Academy (formerly The Anthroposophic Medical Seminar) in Filderstadt. Dr. Husemann's books translated into English include The Harmony of the Human Body: Musical Principles in Human Physiology (Floris Books, 2003); Human Hearing and the Reality of Music (SteinerBooks, 2015); and Form, Life