
柯林斯经典文学:白牙 Collins Classics: White Fang


Format Paperback | 272 pages

Dimensions 111 x 178 x 17mm | 160g

Publication date 19 Dec 2014

Publisher HarperCollins Publishers

Imprint William Collins

Edition Statement UK ed.

ISBN10 0007558120

ISBN13 9780007558124








'Fear urged him to go back, but growth drove him on...'

Set in the frozen forests of the Yukon Territory, Canada, during the Klondike Gold Rush of the 1890s, 'White Fang' tells the story of a young wolf-dog's journey from the wild into human territory. As White Fang learns that civilisation is every bit as vicious and violent as nature - and that survival is only awarded to the fittest - we too see how instinct, sensation and emotion drive every one of us.

Published in 1906 to wide and instant acclaim, this is a remarkable and moving look at the timeless relationship between man and dog.


杰克?伦敦(Jack London,1879—1916)是具知名度的美作家之一,也是作品在际上被翻译得众多的美作家之一。他幼年因贫困辍学,做过小偷、水手、淘金客,足迹踏遍大半个世界,以“硬汉作家”成就大名。他坎坷丰富、大起大落的一生成就了他特别的风格和魅力,历久不朽。

Jack London was born in San Francisco in 1876, and was a prolific and successful writer until his death in 1916. During his lifetime he wrote novels, short stories and essays, and is best known for 'The Call of the Wild' and 'White Fang'.
