
后果:婴儿潮的末期日子和美权力的未来 The Aftermath: The Last Days of the Baby Boom and the Future of Power in America



Format:Hardback 416 pages

Publisher:Random House USA Inc

Imprint:Random House USA


Published:24 Jan 2023


Dimensions:167 x 245 x 36 (mm)




"菲利普-邦普帮助我们理解,无论我们的日子有多麻烦,这个家的未来都取决于我们现在所做的事情。这意味着我们所有的人,不仅仅是婴儿潮一代。" ——普林斯顿大学James S. McDonnell杰出大学教授Eddie S. Glaude, Jr.






邦普以轻松的笔触和巧妙的幽默感,帮助我们在数据的洪流中摸索,我们对家的认识现在已经淹没在其中。他将数字融入关于我们是谁(包括 "我们 "的真正含义)、我们如何投票、我们住在哪里、我们买什么的叙述中,以及我们可以有把握地做出什么预测。我们知道婴儿潮时期的人会发生什么。我们不知道的是,婴儿潮一代的遗产会如何重塑这个家。本书中的答案将帮助我们管理我们现在正在经历的美国国家的历史性混乱。

“Philip Bump helps us understand that no matter the troubles of our days, the future of this nation rests with what we do now. And that means all of us—not just Baby Boomers.” —Eddie S. Glaude, Jr., James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor, Princeton University


A popular Washington Post columnist takes a deep dive into what the end of the baby boom means for American politics and economics.


Philip Bump, a reporter as adept with a graph as with a paragraph, is popular for his ability to distill vast amounts of data into accessible stories. THE AFTERMATH is a sweeping assessment of how the baby boom created modern America, and where power, wealth, and politics will shift as the boom ends. How much longer than we'd expected will Boomers control wealth? Will millennials get shortchanged for jobs and capital as Gen Z rises? What kind of pressure will Boomers exert on the health care system? How do generations and parties overlap? When will regional identity trump age or ethnic or racial identity? Who will the future GOP voter be, and how does that affect Democratic strategies? What does the Census get right, and terribly wrong? The questions are myriad, and Bump is here to fight speculation with fact


Writing with a light hand and deft humor, Bump helps us navigate the flood of data in which our sense of the country now drowns. He fits numbers into a narrative about who we are (including what "we" really means), how we vote, where we live, what we buy—and what predictions we can make with any confidence. We know what will happen eventually to the baby boomers. What we don't know is how the boomer legacies might reshape the country one final time. The answers in this book will help us manage the historic disruption of the American state we are now experiencing.



菲利普·邦普是《华盛顿邮报》的全性专栏作家;在此之前,他是《大西洋报》政治报道的负责人。作为该报读者众多的作家之一,他专注于研究民意调查和政治言论背后的数据。从MSNBC的 "Morning Joe "到Fox News的 "Special Report",以及NPR和PBS,他曾在大多数主要媒体上发表过文章。


Philip Bump is a national columnist for The Washington Post; before that he led political coverage for The Atlantic Wire. One of the paper’s most read writers, he focusses on the data behind polls and political rhetoric. He has been on most major media outlets, from MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to Fox News’s “Special Report,” and on NPR and PBS.
