
纽伯瑞 小木屋系列 漫长的冬天


The Long Winter (Full Color)

英文原版 儿童章节书文学小说


ISBN: 9780060581855

ISBN-10: 0060581859

适合年龄: 8 - 12 岁




尺寸(厘米): 19.05 x 13.34 x 1.91



沉浸在劳拉·英格斯·怀尔德 (Laura Ingalls Wilder) 喜爱的《小房子》系列中,该系列现在以充满活力的全彩形式呈现加斯·威廉姆斯 (Garth Williams) 的经典艺术《漫长的冬天》 是劳拉·英格斯·怀尔德 (Laura Ingalls Wilder) 珍爱的《小房子》系列中的第六本书,也是纽伯里荣誉奖的获得者。

达科他领地的新兴小镇德斯梅特 (De Smet) 受到 1880 年至 1881 年严冬的严重打击。劳拉、爸爸、妈妈、玛丽、嘉莉和小格蕾丝尽力迎接冬天,但很快,暴风雪就用积雪覆盖了小镇,积雪一直堆积到屋顶,切断了小镇的供给和贸易。食品店的食品供应开始严重短缺。为了拯救小镇免于饥饿,年轻的阿尔曼佐·怀尔德和一位朋友不畏艰难,出发穿越大草原寻找小麦,并凯旋归来。小镇得救了,镇民们共同庆祝一个不寻常但又欢乐的圣诞节。


Immerse yourself in Laura Ingalls Wilder's beloved Little House series, now featuring Garth Williams' classic art in vibrant full-color The Long Winter is the sixth book in Laura Ingalls Wilder's treasured Little House series, and the recipient of a Newbery Honor.

The fledgling town of De Smet in the Dakota Territory is hiit hard by the brutal winter of 1880-1881. Laura, Pa, Ma, Mary, Carrie, and little Grace face the winter as best they can, but soon, blizzards have covered the town in snow that piles up to the rooftops, cutting the town off from supplies and trade. Food stores begin to run dangerously low. To save the town from starvation, young Almanzo Wilder and a friend brave the conditions, set off across the prairie in search of wheat, and return victorious. The town is saved, and the townspeople share in an unusual, but joyful, Christmas celebration.

The nine books in the timeless Little House series tell the story of Laura's real childhood as an American pioneer, and are cherished by readers of all generations. They offer a unique glimpse into life on the American frontier, and tell the heartwarming, unforgettable story of a loving family.

