
百年战争:第五卷:胜利与幻象 英法百年战争史研究学者乔纳森·萨姆欣(精) The Hundred Years War Vol 5 : Triumph and Illusion



Format:Hardback 992 pages

Publisher:Faber & Faber

Imprint:Faber & Faber



Published:31 Aug 2023

Dimensions:234 x 153 (mm)




乔纳森-萨姆佩奇(Jonathan Sumption)的百年战争史获奖作品


"我们这个时代伟大的历史著作之一,这是人们热切期待的完结卷。"—— 丹·琼斯,《星期日泰晤士报 






在兵戎相见的背后,是那个时代一些杰出的人物:贝德福德公爵,这位英摄政王从巴黎和鲁昂统治着法的大部分地区;法国查理七世,这位在两都被低估的人物,在早年的灾难之后耐心地重建了他的王;莎士比亚笔下的船长们--法斯托夫、蒙塔古、塔尔博特、杜诺瓦,以及重要的--圣女贞德这个非凡的人物,她在几周内改变了战争的进程,年仅 17 岁。


The eagerly anticipated final volume in Jonathan Sumption’s prize-winning history of the Hundred Years War, "one of the great historical undertakings of our age." ― Dan Jones, Sunday Times 


Triumph and Illusion is the final volume of Jonathan Sumption’s epic history of the Hundred Years War. It tells the story of the collapse of the English dream of conquest from the opening years of the reign of Henry VI, when the battles of Cravant and Verneuil consolidated their control of most of northern France, until the loss of all their continental dominions except Calais thirty years later.


This sudden reversal of fortune was a seminal event in the history of the two principal nation-states of western Europe. It brought an end to four centuries of the English dynasty’s presence in France, separating two countries whose fortunes had once been closely intertwined. It created a new sense of national identity in both countries. The legacy of these events would influence their divergent fortunes for centuries to come. 


Behind the clash of arms stood some of the most remarkable personalities of the age: the Duke of Bedford, the English Regent who ruled much of France from Paris and Rouen; Charles VII of France, underrated in both countries, who patiently rebuilt his kingdom after the disasters of his early years; the captains who populate the pages of Shakespeare – Fastolf, Montagu, Talbot, Dunois and, above all, the extraordinary figure of Joan of Arc who changed the course of the war in a few weeks at the age of seventeen.








乔纳森·萨姆欣(Jonathan Sumption)曾在牛津大学莫德林学院(Magdalen College)任教,其巨著《百年战争》系列,时至今日已有《战争的试炼》《火焰的试炼》《分裂的王朝》《受诅咒的王》四部作品问世,分别出版于1990年、1999年、2009年和2015年。他的作品还包括《朝圣者:一幅中世纪宗教图景》(1975)以及《阿尔比十字军》(1978)等。2009年,他因《分裂的王朝》一书荣获沃尔夫森历史奖。




Jonathan Sumption is a former History Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, and Justice of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. He is the author of Pilgrimage and The Albigensian Crusade, as well as the first four volumes in his celebrated history of the Hundred Years War – Trial by Battle, Trial by Fire, Divided Houses and Cursed Kings. He was awarded the 2009 Wolfson History Prize for Divided Houses.
