

American Prometheus : The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer 美普罗米修斯 奥本海默 诺兰23年电影 墨菲主演


Format:Paperback / softback 736 pages, 2 x 16pp b/w plates

Publisher:Atlantic Books

Imprint:Atlantic Books



Published:15 Jun 2023


Dimensions:130 x 199 x 58 (mm)



***罗伯特-奥本海默(J. Robert Oppenheimer)是研制原子弹的曼哈顿计划的负责人,他是他那一代著名的科学家,是克里斯托弗-诺兰(CHRISTOPHER NOLAN)即将上映的新电影《奥本海默》的灵感来源。在这本细致入微、引人入胜的传记中,凯-伯德和马丁-J.


***THE INSPIRATION FOR CHRISTOPHER NOLAN'S FORTHCOMING NEW FILM OPPENHEIMER***WINNER OF THE PULITZER PRIZE FOR NONFICTION 'Reads like a thriller, gripping and terrifying' Sunday TimesPhysicist and polymath, as familiar with Hindu scriptures as he was with quantum mechanics, J. Robert Oppenheimer - director of the Manhattan Project that developed the atomic bomb - was the most famous scientist of his generation. In their meticulous and riveting biography, Kai Bird and Martin J.

Sherwin reveal a brilliant, ambitious, complex and flawed man, profoundly involved with some of the momentous events of the twentieth century.


凯-伯德是《家报》的特约编辑,著有多部传记,包括普利策奖得主《美普罗米修斯》(American Prometheus): 罗伯特-奥本海默的胜利与悲剧》(The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer)(大西洋出版社,2008 年)。他与妻子和儿子居住在华盛顿特区和尼泊尔。

马丁-J-舍温是塔夫茨大学历史学教授和乔治-梅森大学教授。他著有《被毁灭的世界》(A World Destroyed: 广岛及其遗产》,并与凯-伯德合著了普利策奖得主《美的普罗米修斯》: 罗伯特-奥本海默的胜利与悲剧》(The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer)(大西洋出版社,2008 年)。他和妻子居住在华盛顿特区。

A contributing editor at the Nation, Kai Bird is the author of several biographies, including the Pulitzer Prize winner American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer (Atlantic 2008) with Martin J. Sherwin. He lives in Washington, D.C. and Nepal with his wife and son.

Martin J. Sherwin is Professor of History at Tufts University abd University Professor at George Mason University. He is the author of A World Destroyed: Hiroshima and its Legacies and, with Kai Bird, of the Pulitzer Prize winner American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer (Atlantic 2008). He and his wife live in Washington, D.C.
