
离职面谈: 我雄心勃勃的职业生涯的生与死 Exit Interview: The Life and Death of My Ambitious Career


Format:Hardback 384 pages

Publisher:Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc

Imprint:Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc


Published:16 Oct 2023


Dimensions:210 x 137 (mm)






2006 年,克里斯蒂·图灵顿(Kristi Coulter)辞去了舒适而乏味的工作,来到快速发展的亚马逊公司(Amazon.com)担任一个充满希望的新职位,但她万万没有想到,随之而来的是令人心碎的压力。

她很快就找到了自己渴望已久的挑战和刺激--同时还有七天工作制、救生艇演习、普遍的职业倦怠以及主要由恐惧驱动的企业文化。但是,追逐、能见度以及股票期权让她陶醉,就这样,她一待就是 12 年--直到她再也认不出镜子里的那张脸,也认不出自己所肩负的使命。


A candid, intensely funny memoir of ambition, gender, and a grueling decade inside Amazon.com, from the author of Nothing Good Can Come from This.

"A unique and brilliant book." ―Oliver Burkeman, author of Four Thousand Weeks

What would you sacrifice for your career? All your free time? Your sense of self-worth? Your sanity?

In 2006, Kristi Coulter left her cozy but dull job for a promising new position at the fast-growing Amazon.com, but she never expected the soul-crushing pressure that would come with it.

In no time she found the challenge and excitement she'd been craving―along with seven-day workweeks, lifeboat exercises, widespread burnout, and a culture driven largely by fear. But the chase, the visibility, and, let's face it, the stock options proved intoxicating, and so, for twelve years, she stayed―until she no longer recognized the face in the mirror or the mission she'd signed up for.

Unsparing, absurd, and wickedly funny, Exit Interview is a rare journey inside the crucible that is Amazon. It is an intimate, surprisingly relatable look at the work life of a driven woman in a world that loves the idea of female ambition but balks at the reality.


  克里斯蒂·图灵顿(Kristi Coulter)是《没有什么好事能从这里产生》(Nothing Good Can Come from This)一书的作者,该书曾入围2019年华盛顿州图书奖决赛。克里斯蒂·图灵顿,这个女人在ELLE各封面出现的频率相当高,她所代言的品牌也多的离谱。1987年Vogue(意大利)的封面是她的开始。她所代言过的品牌曾被香奈儿(CHANEL)专属设计师克尔·拉格费尔特(Karl Lagerfeld)盛赞为“脸宠精美无缺”的克里斯蒂·特林顿,是所有美女性憧憬的对象。她的美貌为世界上各种知名杂志的封面或名模广告增添光彩,但当好十三岁在佛罗里达被摄影师发掘时,正热中骑马,参加各种竞赛,立志成为骑师。她课余所拍摄的照片,竟成为流行界的话题之一。之后,她受模特代理商FORD的大力栽培,成为时装界的明星。一九八七年,她成为意大利版《VOGUE》的封面人物,从此一帆风顺,摄影师、设计师竞相与其合作。Maybelline(美宝莲)、资生堂等大型化妆品生产公司邀请她担任形象模特,参加各类广告的演出。天生的感性,气质优雅的美貌,令她君临模特界。

Kristi Coulter is the author of Nothing Good Can Come from This, which was a finalist for the 2019 Washington State Book Award. She holds an MFA in creative writing from the University of Michigan. She is a former Ragdale Foundation resident and the recipient of a grant from the National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts. Her work has appeared in The Awl, Marie Claire, Vox, Quartz, and elsewhere. She lives in Seattle, Washington.
