
他者的起源(托妮·莫里森) The Origin of Others



Series:The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures

Format:Hardback 136 pages

Publisher:Harvard University Press

Imprint:Harvard University Press


Published:18 Sep 2017


Dimensions:120 x 189 x 15 (mm)




重要的小说家反思了她的作品所关注的、日益主导家和世界政治的主题:种族、恐惧、边界、人民的大规模流动、对归属感的渴望。什么是种族?是什么促使人类倾向于构建 "他者"?为什么 "他人 "的存在会让我们如此恐惧?




如果我们从榜样中学习种族主义,那么文学在美的种族历史中扮演着重要的角色,无论是消极的还是积极的。莫里森写了十九世纪文学界为浪漫奴隶制所做的努力,并将其与塞缪尔-卡特赖特的科学种族主义和种植园监工兼奴隶主托马斯-西斯特伍德的平庸日记进行了对比。她审视了黑人的构成、种族纯洁的概念以及文学作品利用肤色揭示人物性格或推动叙事的方式。在扩大关注范围的同时,她还探讨了本世纪的全球化和大规模人口流动问题。国家图书奖获得者塔-尼希斯-科茨(Ta-Nehisi Coates)为莫里森迄今为止个人化的非虚构作品撰写了序言。


America’s foremost novelist reflects on the themes that preoccupy her work and increasingly dominate national and world politics: race, fear, borders, the mass movement of peoples, the desire for belonging. What is race and why does it matter? What motivates the human tendency to construct Others? Why does the presence of Others make us so afraid?


Drawing on her Norton Lectures, Toni Morrison takes up these and other vital questions bearing on identity in The Origin of Others. In her search for answers, the novelist considers her own memories as well as history, politics, and especially literature. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, Flannery O’Connor, and Camara Laye are among the authors she examines. Readers of Morrison’s fiction will welcome her discussions of some of her most celebrated books―Beloved, Paradise, and A Mercy.


If we learn racism by example, then literature plays an important part in the history of race in America, both negatively and positively. Morrison writes about nineteenth-century literary efforts to romance slavery, contrasting them with the scientific racism of Samuel Cartwright and the banal diaries of the plantation overseer and slaveholder Thomas Thistlewood. She looks at configurations of blackness, notions of racial purity, and the ways in which literature employs skin color to reveal character or drive narrative. Expanding the scope of her concern, she also addresses globalization and the mass movement of peoples in this century. National Book Award winner Ta-Nehisi Coates provides a foreword to Morrison’s most personal work of nonfiction to date.



托尼-莫里森(1931-2019)曾于 1993 年获得诺贝尔文学奖、美国国家书评人奖和普利策奖。她的小说和非虚构作品广受好评,曾任普林斯顿大学罗伯特-F-戈亨人文学科名誉教授。


塔-奈希西-科茨(Ta-Nehisi Coates)著有《美丽的斗争》(The Beautiful Struggle)和《我与世界之间》(Between the World and Me)。


Toni Morrison (1931–2019) was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1993, a National Book Critics Circle Award, and a Pulitzer Prize. The author of numerous critically acclaimed works of fiction and nonfiction, she was the Robert F. Goheen Professor in the Humanities, Emeritus, at Princeton University.


Ta-Nehisi Coates is the author of The Beautiful Struggle and Between the World and Me.
