
Rubens & Women





出版社:Dulwich Picture Gallery 






尺寸:280mm x240mm




· 这是有史以来首本集中研究鲁本斯笔下女性形象的书籍(和展览)。展览将于 2023 年 10 月至 2024 年 1 月在 Dulwich Picture Gallery 举行。


· 这将挑战鲁本斯只描绘一种女性的普遍假设。相反,展览将展示女性在这位艺术家的生活和工作中所扮演的各种重要角色。


· 让读者有机会了解鲁本斯一些著名作品背后的真实人物--我们不仅认识了艺术家鲁本斯,还认识了鲁本斯的父亲、丈夫、情人、外交官和朋友


· 包括鲁本斯坐像的身份、17 世纪艺术理论和实践以及鲁本斯对人体的处理等主题的新学术进展


· 配有际和私人收藏艺术品的精美插图,其中许多作品将于 2023 年首度在英展出


· 为这一开创性的附带展览中的作品提供了完整的目录,并提供了背景文章,引发了当前关于性、权力和女权主义的争论


彼得·保罗·鲁本斯(1577-1640 年)的艺术是女性裸体的代名词,"鲁本斯式"(Rubenesque)一词早出现在 19 世纪,用来形容女性丰满的身体。然而,令人惊讶的是,从未有人对鲁本斯描绘的女性形象进行过集中研究,这使得本书以及与之配套的展览成为首创。 Dulwich Picture Gallery 举办的展览(2023 年 10 月至 2024 年 1 月)将汇集艺术家整个职业生涯中的各种绘画和素描作品,这将对鲁本斯只描绘一种类型女性的流行观点提出挑战。取而代之的是,展览将对女性在这位艺术家的生活和工作中所扮演的各种重要角色提出更加细致入微的看法,将鲁本斯画中人物的身份、17 世纪的艺术理论和实践以及鲁本斯对人体的处理等主题的新学术发展结合起来,并对这些发展做出贡献。鲁本斯显然很喜欢画女性形象,尤其是感性和不穿衣服的女性形象。但他笔下的女性绝不仅仅是被男性目光所困的躯体,恰恰相反,她们是高傲而复杂的女英雄,充满个性和威严。没有其他男性艺术家能创造出如此有力的女性形象,表现出女性的力量、自信、决心、承诺和美丽。本书为展览作品提供了一本目录,并附有三篇介绍性文章,对鲁本斯作品的来龙去脉进行了介绍,它既是对鲁本斯现有学术文献的贡献,也是向新读者介绍他的杰作,并结合当前有关性、权力和女权主义的辩论对这些作品进行讨论。



? The first book (and exhibition) ever to present a focused study on Rubens’ depictions of women. The exhibition at Dulwich Picture Gallery will run from October 2023 to January 2024


? This will challenge the popular assumption that Rubens only painted one type of woman. Instead it will show the varied and essential role that women played in the artist's life and work


? A chance for readers to get to know the real man behind some of his most famous works - we meet not only Rubens the artist, but Rubens the father, husband, lover, diplomat, friend


? Includes the latest scholarly developments in subjects such as the identities of Rubens' sitters, 17th century artistic theory and practice, and Rubens' treatment of the human body


? Featuring beautiful illustrations of artworks from international and private collections, many of which will be appearing in the UK for the first time in 2023


? Provides a complete catalogue for works in this groundbreaking accompanying exhibition, as well as contextual essays that raise current debates around sexuality, power and feminism


The art of Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) is synonymous with the female nude, with the term ‘Rubenesque’ first coined in the 19th century to describe a voluptuous female body. Yet remarkably, there has never been a focused study of Rubens’ depictions of women, making this book, and the exhibition that it will accompany, a first. Bringing together a diverse range of paintings and drawings from throughout the artist’s career and from a range of international lenders, the exhibition at Dulwich Picture Gallery (October 2023 – January 2024) will challenge the popular assumption that Rubens only painted one type of woman. Instead, it will present a more nuanced view of the varied and essential role that women played in the artist’s life and work, uniting and contributing to recent scholarly developments in subjects such as the identities of Rubens’ sitters, 17th century artistic theory and practice, and Rubens’ treatment of the human body. Rubens evidently enjoyed painting the female figure, especially in its sensual and unclothed form. But his women are never mere bodies trapped by the male gaze, on the contrary; they are proud and complex heroines, full of character and gravitas. No other male artist has created such potent images of female power, assurance, determination, commitment, and beauty. Providing a catalogue for the works in the exhibition and featuring three introductory essays that contextualize Rubens’ work, this publication will both contribute to the existing corpus of scholarly literature on Rubens and introduce his masterpieces to new audiences, discussing them in the context of current debates around sexuality, power and feminism.
