
First Catch Your Gingerbread

作者: Bilton, Sam
出版社: Prospect Books (UK) (2021年04月18日)
页数: 256页
语种: 英语
ISBN: 9781909248694
条形码: 9781909248694
商品重量: 570.00g
商品尺寸: 23.37cm * 15.49cm * 2.03cm

Gingerbread is a lovely, squidgy treat which has played a part in almost everyone's childhood. But do you know what gingerbread was made of when it first arrived on our plates? Was it flavoured with honey? When did treacle, dark, sticky, and fairly strong tasting, which adds moisture, depth of flavour and character to baking, first become available? Then there's the question of when gingerbread migrated from the home kitchen to commercial products. And why did the gingerbread man leap from the tin, and run so fast with a fox snapping at his heels?

Biographical Note
Sam Bilton is a food historian, who runs the Repast Supper Club, food events with a historical theme. She is also a food and drink writer, with articles appearing in magazines and online, with English Heritage, and she works on historical recipes, recreating them for the modern day, including an eighteenth-century recipe for a Bride Cake. Sam is a member of the Guild of Food Writers Committee, and on several panels