
Unraveling: A Baker's Dozen

作者: Neill, J. D.
出版社: Lanni LV LLC (2020年04月21日)
页数: 256页
语种: 英语
ISBN: 9781733973960
条形码: 9781733973960
商品重量: 380.00g
商品尺寸: 22.86cm * 15.24cm * 1.47cm


A trail of nine husbands may belie the fact that wealthy Maggie Baker is a romantic. She thought she had everything, but did she?

Trapped in a coma, police search for who hurt her and why. She silently revisits her life and loves. A sweeping, passionate, and often painful journey from her birth in Australia to Hong Kong, Tahiti, and Hawaii, and back to the shores of Lake Tahoe.

Who has she hurt enough to wish her harm, and who would gain from her death?
