
The Thai Word for Fortune

作者: Mihdi, Julian
出版社: Glass Spider Publishing (2022年12月11日)
页数: 190页
语种: 英语
ISBN: 9781957917160
条形码: 9781957917160
商品重量: 240.00g
商品尺寸: 21.59cm * 13.97cm * 1.12cm


A young American expat named Prism, known for rapping at parties in Chiang Mai, Thailand, finds himself drawn into the phantasmal world of the Thai lottery when his girlfriend, Nim, begins receiving winning numbers in her dreams. Chased by the specter of his mother's recent death, Prism begins to suspect that these two central events in his life are somehow related, sending him on a journey into the dark underworld of the Thai national lottery that spans multiple lifetimes and alters his ideas about luck, fortune, and death forever.
