
龙与地下城:盗贼的荣耀:无冬之路 Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves: The Road to Neverwinter


Format:Paperback / softback 288 pages


Imprint:Penguin (Cornerstone)


Published:1 Feb 2024


Dimensions:198 x 129 (mm)










在迷人的流氓 Forge Fitzwilliam 和自卑感极强的魔法师 Simon 的帮助下,这支队伍开始用赚来的和不义之财装满自己的口袋。埃德金的团队一起与王中的怪物作战:地精突袭者、翡冷翠魔法师等都倒在了他们锋利的武器和更敏锐的智慧之下。当他们遇到一个新的、更狡猾的坏蛋时,锋利的刀刃和蓝眼睛可能就不够用了。


他们的目标是什么?托林-施瑞克(Torlinn Shrake),一个以虐待仆人和举办奢华派对而闻名的富有怪人。




陷阱是什么?Shrake 隐藏着一个可怕的秘密:这个秘密可能会危及埃金所关心的每个人的生命--即使这些战利品好得令人无法拒绝。


Discover the thrilling origin stories of the bard Edgin, the barbarian Holga, and their whole adventuring party in this official prequel to Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.


Edgin Darvis' life is a mess. All that he has left are his lute, his dashing good looks, and...not much else. After a chance encounter with badass bruiser Holga, Edgin is forced to take a hard look at his bad choices. But the road to redemption is long, and paved with unforeseen expenses. Fortunately, the world is full of rich fools begging to be parted from their money.


And so Edgin and Holga do what any sensible entrepreneurs would do - they form a crew.


Joined by a charming rogue, Forge Fitzwilliam, and Simon, a wizard with an intense inferiority complex, the team sets out to line their pockets with both well-earned and ill-gotten gold. Together, Edgin's crew battles monsters across the realms: gnoll raiders, fey wizards, and more fall beneath their sharp weapons and wit. When they encounter a new, more sophisticated villain, keen blades and piercing blue eyes may not be enough.


Their target? Torlinn Shrake, a wealthy eccentric known for abusing his servants and hosting lavish parties.


The plan? Play dress-up, sneak into the Shrake estate, and fill their pockets with as much loot as they can carry.


The catch? Shrake is hiding a terrible secret: one that could endanger the lives of everyone Edgin has come to care for - even if the loot is too good to pass up.



贾利-约翰逊(Jaleigh Johnson)是一名终身读者、游戏玩家和电影观众。她喜欢的事情就是逃进虚构的世界,参加奇妙的冒险。她在美中西部的荒野中生活和写作。


Jaleigh Johnson is a lifelong reader, gamer, and moviegoer. She loves nothing better than to escape into fictional worlds and take part in fantastic adventures. She lives and writes in the wilds of the Midwest.
