
狐光(十月十月作者新书) Foxlight



Format:Paperback 272 pages

Publisher:Bloomsbury Publishing (UK)


Published:28 Sep 2023


Dimensions:200 x 130 x 17 (mm)




《十月,十月》的作者、约托·卡内基奖获得者,讲述了一个关于姐妹情谊、在不寻常和未知的地方找到家庭并接受爱情的令人心碎又温暖的故事。芬和雷伊被发现蜷缩在小而紧的房间里。 荒地边缘的狐狸火红的皮毛。 奋,响亮、凶猛、自由。 她感受到了与狐狸的联系,以及来自野外的呼唤,她渴望重返野外。 雷伊安静而害羞,是一位自然专家。 她阅读有关鸟类的书籍,喂养土地并培育她周围的世界。她们是双胞胎姐妹。 不同又相同。 分离又连接。 他们永远拥有彼此,即使他们没有母亲,也不知道自己的开始。 但他们确实想要答案。 回答他们的母亲是谁以及她可能在哪里。 他们的故事是什么以及它是如何开始的。 因此,当一只狐狸一天深夜出现在房子里时,芬和雷伊将其视为一个标志——它的存在是为了引导他们了解真相,找到他们真正的家人,并填补他们自出生以来所感受到的缺失。 完全是野生的。 他们邪恶、残忍、残暴,这段旅程将比芬或雷伊想象的更加艰难、更加改变生活……


From the author of October, October , winner of the Yoto Carnegie Medal, comes a heartbreaking and heart-warming story about sisterhood, found family and accepting love in the unusual and unknown places.Fen and Rey were found curled up small and tight in the fiery fur of the foxes at the very edge of the wildlands. Fen is loud and fierce and free. She feels a connection to foxes and a calling from the wild that she's desperate to return to. Rey is quiet and shy and an expert on nature. She reads about the birds, feeds the lands and nurtures the world around her.They are twin sisters. Different and the same. Separate and connected. They will always have each other, even if they don't have a mother and don't know their beginning. But they do want answers. Answers to who their mother is and where she might be. What their story is and how it began. So when a fox appears late one night at the house, Fen and Rey see it as a sign - it's here to lead them to their truth, find their real family and fill the missing piece they have felt since they were born.But the wildlands are exactly wild. They are wicked and cruel and brutal and this journey will be harder and more life changing than either Fen or Rey ever imagined ...



卡蒂亚 (Katya) 是一位作家,也是 Mainspring Arts 的联合主任,该慈善机构为神经分歧者提供创意机会。 她的处女作《我们所处的空间》获得了布兰福德博斯奖的高度赞扬,并入围了卡内基奖章的长名单。 她的第二本书《十月,十月》入围卡内基奖章。


Katya is an author and the co-director of Mainspring Arts, a charity that provides creative opportunities for neurodivergent people. Her debut novel, The Space We’re In, was highly commended for the Branford Boase Award and longlisted for the Carnegie Medal. Her second book, October, October was shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal.
