
希腊人 The Greeks


Format:Paperback 624 pages

Publisher:Basic Books

Imprint:Basic Books


Published:12 Dec 2023

Dimensions:210 x 140 (mm)




两千多年前,以雅典和斯巴达为领头的希腊城邦为现代科学、艺术、政治和法律奠定了基础。 但希腊人的影响并没有随着这一古典文明的兴衰而结束。 正如历史学家罗德里克·比顿(Roderick Beaton)所阐述的那样,三千年以来,说希腊语的人创造了一系列植根于东南欧但一次又一次广泛传播到全球的文明。

在《希腊人》中,比顿追溯了这段历史,从青铜时代的迈锡尼人在内建造了强大的堡垒和强大的海外贸易路线,到亚历山大大帝对欧亚大陆的戏剧性征服,再到今天在五大洲蓬勃发展的希腊侨民。 这是数十年研究的成果,以亘古未有的方式讲述了希腊人的故事及其全球影响。

A history of the Greeks, from the Bronze Age to today  

More than two thousand years ago, the Greek city-states, led by Athens and Sparta, laid the foundation for much of modern science, the arts, politics, and law. But the influence of the Greeks did not end with the rise and fall of this classical civilization. As historian Roderick Beaton illustrates, over three millennia Greek speakers produced a series of civilizations that were rooted in southeastern Europe but again and again ranged widely across the globe.  

In The Greeks, Beaton?traces this history from the Bronze Age Mycenaeans who built powerful fortresses at home and strong trade routes abroad, to the dramatic Eurasian conquests of Alexander the Great, to today’s Greek diaspora, which flourishes on five continents.?The product of decades of research,?this is the story of the Greeks and their global impact told as never before. 


罗德里克·比顿 (Roderick Beaton) 是伦敦王学院名誉教授,也是希腊共和荣誉勋章司令。 他的上一本书《希腊:现代家传》入围坎迪尔历史奖。 他四次获得知名的朗西曼奖,住在英肯特郡。

Roderick Beaton is an Emeritus Professor at King’s College London and Commander of the Order of Honor of the Hellenic Republic. His previous book, Greece: Biography of a Modern Nation, was shortlisted for the Cundill History Prize. He is the four-time winner of the prestigious Runciman Award and lives in Kent, England. 
