

Trailblazers: Stephen Hawking:

A Life Beyond Limits


英文原版 进口图书


作者: Alex Woolf

出版商 ? : ? Random House Books for Young Readers;插图版(2020年5月5日)

语言 ? : ? 英语


页数? : ? 192页

ISBN-10 ? : ? 0593124499

ISBN-13 ? : ? 978-0593124499

阅读年龄 ? : ? 8 - 12 岁

蓝思值 ? : ? 1040L

年级水平 ? : ? 3 - 7

商品重量 ? : ? 8盎司

尺寸 ? : ? 13.34 * 1.02 * 19.53 cm






Bring history home and meet some of the world's greatest game changers! Get inspired by the true story of a famous scientist who changed our understanding of physics forever. This biography series is for kids who loved Who Was? and are ready for the next level.

In 1974, Stephen Hawking shook the world of physics. His theory on black holes went against everything the science community accepted as fact. How did he make such revolutionary discoveries? From a childhood spent building model airplanes to recognition as one of the greatest scientists of his time, Stephen's genius and endless curiosity powered his work. Find out how this boy who loved science became one of history's greatest trailblazers!

Trailblazers is a biography series that celebrates the lives of amazing pioneers, past and present, from all over the world. Get inspired by more Trailblazers: Neil Armstrong, Jackie Robinson, Jane Goodall, Harriet Tubman, Albert Einstein, Beyoncé, and Simone Biles. What kind of trail will you blaze?


亚历克斯·伍尔夫 (Alex Woolf) 是 100 多部小说和非小说类儿童作品的作者。他对历史和科学充满热情。他与妻子、两个孩子以及他们的猫朱诺和密涅瓦住在伦敦。

Alex Woolf is the author of more than 100 works of fiction and nonfiction for children. He has a passion for history and science. He lives in London with his wife, two kids, and their cats, Juno and Minerva.

