
Big Book of Bart

作者: Groening, Matt
出版社: Titan Books Ltd (2002年06月30日)
页数: 120页
语种: 英语
ISBN: 9781840234251
条形码: 9781840234251
商品重量: 290.00g
商品尺寸: 25.60cm * 16.70cm * 0.70cm

Homer's irrepressible eldest son returns for a series of chaotic adventures. In Big Fat Trouble in Little Springfield, Bart learns that while fat children are funny, becoming one isn't always; in Grrrl-Whirl, Bart's one-boy assault on girl power is undermined when he - falls in love? And in Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind, evil space aliens Kang and Kodos get an unexpected surprise when they first kidnap Earth's greatest nerd - Bart's sister, Lisa - and then Earth's greatest menace (no prizes for guessing who!). And that's just the first few pages!