
Money Grows On Trees

作者: Alfred, Pastor
出版社: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform (2018年07月16日)
页数: 80页
语种: 英语
ISBN: 9781723177866
条形码: 9781723177866
商品重量: 100.00g
商品尺寸: 20.32cm * 12.70cm * 0.48cm

Money Grows On Trees is the classic book on money that changes everything. Perhaps only once in a couple hundred years is a book written that changes everything.This book changes everything. Nothing would ever remain the same again ... Ever.

Biographical Note
Pastor Alfred is a very successful Christian Pastor, Author and Business Investor. He is the creator of Alfredonian Chivalry which draws greatly from the manners and values of the Victorian Era. Alfredonian Chivalry can be summed up in one Credo: Treat All Men As Kings And All Women As Queens. Pastor Alfred's contribution to the world is impressive to say the least. He created the concept of Diary Novels which would rightly be classified as a some what new genre of literature. Pastor Alfred also invented the concept of Dialogue Games, as well as Soulwinning Games. The footsteps of Pastor Alfred are outlined by his popular pharse: "My Destiny Is To Help You Fulfil Your Destiny In Christ."