
慢效率 Slow Productivity:The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout



Language ? : ? English

Paperback ? : ? 304 pages


Dimensions ? : ? 15.3 x 4 x 23.4 cm






喧嚣文化。 烧完。 安静的退出。 今天,我们要么在成功的祭坛上牺牲自己,要么完全拒绝野心的想法。 但它不一定是全有或全无。 有一种方法可以创造有意义的工作作为平衡生活的一部分,这就是所谓的“慢生产力”。


由畅销书《深度工作和数字极简主义》的作者卡尔·纽波特(Cal Newport)提出,缓慢生产力是一种革命性的哲学,基于三个简单的原则:


1. 少做一些事情。

2. 以自然的节奏工作。

3. 过分注重质量。




从根据季节管理你的精力,到确定要进行哪些项目和搁置哪些项目,再到制定一个以更少的压力产生更多产出的时间表,这本及时而重要的书将彻底改变你的工作方式,帮助你完成伟大的事情 以更加人性化的步伐。


From the New York Times bestselling author of Digital Minimalism and one of the world's productivity experts, a groundbreaking philosophy for creating great work at a sustainable pace.


Hustle culture. Burnout. Quiet quitting. Today we're either sacrificing ourselves on the altar of success or we're rejecting the point of ambition entirely. But it doesn't have to be all or nothing. There is a way to create meaningful work as part of a balanced life, and it's called 'slow productivity'.


Coined by Cal Newport, the bestselling author of Deep Work and Digital Minimalism, slow productivity is a revolutionary philosophy based on three simple principles:


1. Do fewer things.

2. Work at a natural pace.

3. Obsess over quality.


Examining the stories and habits of ancient and modern scientists, philosophers, artists and scholars who worked in this way, Newport reveals just how transformative the slow productivity approach can be to producing a meaningful body of work.


From managing your energy according to the season, to identifying which projects to pursue and which to set aside, to building a schedule that yields more output with less stress, this timely and essential book will revolutionise how you work, helping you to accomplish great things at a more humane pace.



卡尔·纽波特 (Cal Newport) 是多本书籍的作者,包括《纽约时报》畅销书《数字极简主义》、《时间块规划师》、《深度工作》和《Deep Work and So Good They Can't Ignore You》,并且是乔治城大学计算机科学副教授。 您不会在 Twitter、Facebook 或 Instagram 上找到他,但您经常可以在华盛顿特区的家中找到他和家人在一起,或者为他的热门网站 calnewport.com 撰写文章。


Cal Newport is the author of several books, including the New York Times bestseller, Digital Minimalism, The Time-Block Planner, Deep Work and So Good They Can't Ignore You and is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Georgetown University. You won't find him on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram but you can often find him at home with his family in Washington DC or writing essays for his popular website calnewport.com.
