Chapter Ⅰ Unification of China in history
Primitive Chinese civilization
Continuity of Chinese history
Formation of the ancient country
First unification and separation of China
Chinese empire reunified and split again
Third reunification of Chinese empire
Chapter Ⅱ Origin of community of the Chinese nation
Geographical environment and inward movement
Different parts of China
Origin of the word "China"
A multi-ethnic country
Safeguarding national unity and fighting against separatism
Chapter Ⅲ Traditional ideology and culture
Confucianism and the orthodox
Taoist thought and Taoism
Legalism and its practice
Introduction of Buddhism and its localization in China
Basic spirits of traditional thought and culture
Society steeped in traditional thoughts and culture
National character shaped by traditional thoughts and culture
Exchanges between ancient Chinese and foreign cultures
Chapter Ⅳ Developed country of the agricultural civilization era
Progress in agriculture and development of the handicraft industry