


Kids Fight Climate Change

Act Now to Be a #2minutesuperhero

英文原版 儿童科普绘本


作者:Martin Dorey (Author), Tim Wesson (Illustrator)

出版商 ? : ? Candlewick Press (MA) (22 Mar. 2022)

语言 ? : ? 英语

平装本 ? : ? 128页

ISBN-10 ? : ? 1536223492

ISBN-13 ? : ? 978-1536223491

阅读年龄 ? : ? 7 - 10 岁

尺寸 ? : ? 13.03 x 1.24 x 20.02 厘米




我们的星球有麻烦了! 但在这本书的帮助下,每个孩子都可以成为改变世界的超级英雄。 六十个引人入胜的任务引导读者在生活的各个方面做出节能改变,从园艺到小玩意,甚至为他们的马桶水箱自制节水装置! 在生动的插图的帮助下,作者编织了重要的气候统计数据和有用的资源,其中包含已经发生的积极变化的故事,例如欧亚海狸由于保护工作而复苏。 一路上,读者遇到了其他正在改变世界的动物和人类超级英雄环保人士马丁·多雷 (Martin Dorey) 提出了如何大胆发言并鼓励其他人加入的建议,他在这本拯救地球的重要指南中注入了乐观和鼓励,每次两分钟。

Kids can help save planet Earth with these positive, climate-focused missions from best-selling author and eco-warrior Martin Dorey.

Our planet is in trouble! But with the help of this book, every kid can be a superhero making a difference. Sixty engaging missions guide readers through making carbon-saving changes in all aspects of their lives, from gardening to gadgets--even a DIY water-saving device for their toilet tank! Aided by lively illustrations, the author weaves crucial climate statistics and helpful resources with stories of positive change already happening, such as the resurgence of the Eurasian beaver due to conservation efforts. Along the way, readers meet other superheroes, both animal and human, who are changing the world too. With advice about speaking up and inspiring others to join in, veteran environmentalist Martin Dorey infuses optimism and encouragement into this essential guide to saving Earth, two minutes at a time.

