

信任的速度 The SPEED of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything


Format:Paperback 384 pages

Publisher:Free Press

Imprint:Free Press


Published:5 Feb 2008


Dimensions:213 x 139 x 21 (mm)




史蒂芬·M·R·柯维 (Stephen M. R. Covey) 向我们展示了信任以及与客户、员工和所有利益相关者建立信任的速度如何成为成功领导和组织关键的组成部分。

史蒂芬·M·R·柯维 (Stephen M. R. Covey) 被誉为世界前沿的信任专家之一,他断言,它是“容易被忽视、误解和未充分利用的促进绩效的资产”。 无论好坏,它的影响都是巨大且普遍的。 这是你无法逃避的事情。” 幸运的是,它也可以极大地提高你的个人和职业成功。

为什么要信任? 一个简单但经常被忽视的事实是:工作是通过人来完成的。 《信任的速度》以极其实用的方式审视了信任在每笔交易和每一种关系中如何发挥作用——从个人的互动到广泛间接的互动。 它具体演示了如何有意识地建立信任,以便您和您的组织可以放弃经常用来代替实际信任的耗时的官僚制衡流程。

2018 年更新版包含作者富有洞察力的后记,探讨了信任现在比以往任何时候都更加重要的十个关键原因,包括信任如何成为当今世界的新货币。

Over two million copies sold.

Stephen M. R. Covey shows how trust—and the speed at which it is established with clients, employees, and all stakeholders—is the single most critical component of a successful leader and organization.

Stephen M. R. Covey, widely known as one of the world’s leading authorities on trust, asserts that it is “the most overlooked, misunderstood, underutilized asset to enable performance. Its impact, for good or bad, is dramatic and pervasive. It’s something you can’t escape.” Thankfully, it’s is also the thing that can dramatically improve your personal and professional success.

Why trust? The simple, often overlooked fact is this: work gets done with and through people. The Speed of Trust offers an unprecedented and eminently practical look at exactly how trust functions in every transaction and every relationship—from the most personal to the broadest, most indirect interaction. It specifically demonstrates how to establish trust intentionally so that you and your organization can forego the time-killing, bureaucratic check-and-balance processes that is so often deployed in lieu of actual trust.

This 2018 updated edition includes an insightful afterword by the author which explores ten key reasons why trust is more relevant now than ever before—including how trust is the new currency of our world today.


斯蒂芬·M·R·柯维 (Stephen M. R. Covey) 是 CoveyLink 和富兰克林柯维全球信托实践公司的联合创始人兼席执行官,也是《纽约时报》畅销书《信任的速度》的作者。 柯维是一位备受追捧且引人注目的主题演讲者、作家和信任、领导力、道德、文化和合作顾问,他向世界各地的听众发表演讲。 在哈佛 MBA 期间,他是柯维领导力中心的前席执行官,在他的领导下,该中心成为世界上的领导力发展公司。 科维和他的妻子和孩子住在落基山脉的阴影下。

丽贝卡·A·梅里尔 (Rebecca A. Merrill) 曾在社区、教育和妇女组织中担任过多个领导职务。 她是《连接:第二象限时间管理》一书的合著者,还协助史蒂芬·柯维撰写《高效人士的七个习惯》。

史蒂芬·R·柯维(Stephen R. Covey,1932-2012 年)被《时代》杂志评选为二十五位影响力的美人之一,他是一位际知名的领导专家家庭专家、教师、组织顾问和作家。 他的书籍已以 38 种语言售出超过 2500 万册,《高效人士的七个习惯》被评为二十世纪影响力的商业书籍。 在获得哈佛大学工商管理硕士学位和杨百翰大学博士学位后,他成为全球领先培训公司富兰克林柯维的联合创始人兼副主席。

Stephen M. R. Covey is cofounder and CEO of CoveyLink and of the FranklinCovey Global Trust Practice, and the author of the New York Times bestselling book, The Speed of Trust. A sought-after and compelling keynote speaker, author, and advisor on trust, leadership, ethics, culture, and collaboration, Covey speaks to audiences around the world. A Harvard MBA, he is the former CEO of Covey Leadership Center, which under his stewardship became the largest leadership development company in the world. Covey resides with his wife and children in the shadows of the Rocky Mountains.

Rebecca A. Merrill has served in numerous leadership positions in community, education, and women’s organizations. Coauthor of Connections: Quadrant II Time Management, she also assisted Stephen R. Covey on The 7 Habits Highly Effective People.

Recognized as one of Time magazine’s twenty-five most influential Americans, Stephen R. Covey (1932–2012) was an internationally respected leadership authority, family expert, teacher, organizational consultant, and author. His books have sold more than twenty-five million copies in thirty-eight languages, and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was named the #1 Most Influential Business Book of the Twentieth Century. After receiving an MBA from Harvard and a doctorate degree from Brigham Young University, he became the cofounder and vice chairman of FranklinCovey, a leading global training firm.
