
美利坚第二共和的兴衰:重建,1860-1920 年 美历史学家玛丽莎·辛哈 The Rise and Fall of the Second American Republic : Reconstruction, 1860-1920



Format:Hardback 592 pages, 53 illustrations

Publisher:WW Norton & Co

Imprint:Liveright Publishing Corporation


Published:2 Apr 2024


Dimensions:244 x 165 (mm)






我们被告知,目前的时刻与重建时期非常相似,当时自由人民和联邦政府在内战后试图在南方建立一个跨种族的民主家。 这一努力被推翻,并成为今天对黑人平等理念的暴力反弹的警告。 在《美第二共和的兴衰》一书中,知名历史学家马尼沙·辛哈 (Manisha Sinha) 将我们的视野拓展到了重建时期 (1865-1877) 通常的时空界限之外,解释了美内战、重建时期的推翻、对西方的征服是如何发生的。 北方的劳工冲突、排华、妇女选举权和海外美利坚帝的建立,都是民主势力与反动势力之间斗争的一部分。 辛哈的书强调了黑人在重新定义美国公民身份和治理方面的关键作用,表明重建奠定了我们民主的基础。


A ground-breaking, expansive new account of Reconstruction that fundamentally alters our view of this formative period in American history


We are told that the present moment bears a strong resemblance to Reconstruction, when freed-people and the federal government attempted to create an interracial democracy in the south after the Civil War. That effort was overthrown and serves as a warning today about violent backlash to the mere idea of black equality. In The Rise and Fall of the Second American Republic, acclaimed historian Manisha Sinha expands our view beyond the usual temporal and spatial bounds of Reconstruction (1865–1877) to explain how the American Civil War, the overthrow of Reconstruction, the conquest of the west, labour conflict in the north, women’s suffrage and the establishment of an overseas American empire were part of the same struggle between the forces of democracy and those of reaction. Highlighting the critical role of black people in redefining American citizenship and governance, Sinha’s book shows that Reconstruction laid the foundation of our democracy.



马尼沙·辛哈 (Manisha Sinha) 是斯托斯康涅狄格大学美历史德雷珀讲座教授,也是 2022 年古根海姆研究员。 她在哥伦比亚大学获得博士学位,其论文获得班克罗夫特奖提名。 她的书《奴隶制的反革命:南卡罗来纳州战前的政治与意识形态》被 Politico 杂志评为关于奴隶制的十佳书籍之一,并在《纽约时报 1619 项目》中得到专题报道。 她广受好评的著作《奴隶的事业:废除奴隶制的历史》赢得了弗雷德里克·道格拉斯、艾弗里·克雷文、詹姆斯·罗利和谢尔图书奖,并长期入围家图书奖非小说类奖项。 它受到媒体的广泛评论,并被《纽约时报书评》评为编辑选择奖,并被《泰晤士报高等教育》评为本周图书,与其英出版物相一致。 她的著作《美第二共和的兴衰:重建,1860-1920》将于 2024 年 3 月由 Liveright (W.W. Norton) 出版。


Manisha Sinha is the Draper Chair in American History at the University of Connecticut, Storrs and a 2022 Guggenheim Fellow. She received her Ph.D from Columbia University where her dissertation was nominated for the Bancroft prize. Her book The Counterrevolution of Slavery: Politics and Ideology in Antebellum South Carolina was named one of the ten best books on slavery in Politico and featured in The New York Times 1619 Project. Her acclaimed book The Slave's Cause: A History of Abolition, which won the Frederick Douglass, Avery Craven, James Rawley, and SHEAR Best Book prizes, was long listed for the National Book Award for Non-Fiction. It was widely reviewed in the mainstream press and named editor’s choice in The New York Times Book Review and the book of the week by Times Higher Education to coincide with its UK publication. Her most recent book The Rise and Fall of the Second American Republic: Reconstruction, 1860-1920 is forthcoming from Liveright (W.W. Norton) in March, 2024.
