
Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words万物解释者




畅销书What if作者新作



作者:Randall Munroe

Format:Paperback / softback 64 pages

Publisher:John Murray Press

Imprint:John Murray Publishers Ltd


Published:5 Oct 2017


Dimensions:231 x 329 x 11 (mm)




《Thing Explainer》以有趣的方式解释了基本的“为什么”,并告诉你这个世界方方面面的运转方式,假如Munroe的漫画让你尝试去了解这个世界你尚未触及的领域,这本书同样也是一本优秀的基本指南,尤其是给充满好奇心的你。

作者蒙罗是流行网络漫画XKCD的作者,同时也是畅销书What if的作者。盖茨将这本书称之为“满足好奇心的完美指南”。这本书的理念很简单,但实施起来并不容易。就是仅使用1000个最常用的英文单词来解释几乎一切事物,包括智能手机、核电站等。



我发现在慈善行业里,术语是一个问题,比如在健康领域工作时,你自然会听到讨论最新医学研究时会蹦出来的那些词汇,诸如“serum”以及“in vitro”(或者更复杂的词语)。数年之后我已对其习以为常,但在一开始,我仍然需要不停提醒自己:serum是指没有红细胞以及白细胞的血液,In vitro 的意思是“在玻璃中”,也就是在试管里。直到今天,我仍需要在不同的领域面对这个由陌生到熟悉的过程。

而阅读Randall Munroe的新书是一个非常有趣的过程。他在书中将诸般事物一一诠释,从智能手机到美国宪法,并且在其中你不会碰上费解的术语。书中蓝图加上趣味横生的图示,仅用1000个英文常用单词就将这些事物的原理阐述清楚。比如dishwasher这样的词汇被更简单的“box that cleans food holders”解释。

这样的做法更契合了爱因斯坦的想法:如果你不能以简单的方式诠释一样事物,那你并没有真正地理解它。而Randall Munroe恰好精于此道。他曾是NASA机器人领域的专家,而现在做起了著名的XKCD网站(译者注:或许提到更广为人知的What if系列,国内的读者会有更深的印象)。Munroe让我想起了可汗学院的创始人Sal Khan,或是Crash Couse的Hank Green,他们三人都在致力于让知识传播给更多的人。

《Thing Explainer》使用了尽可能少的词汇,但配上了生动的配图以及到位的注释。比如说你想知道食物在microware oven(“一种利用微波加热食物的装置”)中如何解冻,Munroe就会这样回答你:“当你将食物放进食物加热装置中,一会儿,一部分并就会融化成水,而微波可以快速加热水分,能量足以将水分蒸发,不过在这之前食物早就加热好啦!”

但如果你了解过Munroe之前的作品,就会知道《Thing Explainer》还是一部让你笑出声的作品。比如他对于美国著名的土星五号运载火箭引擎部分的解释:”此处会喷出大量的火,如果你想进入太空,请将此端朝下;“如果此端朝上则会带来一些严重的后果,就不能进入太空了哦。”


当然,这样的做法让事物更为明了,但在极个别的情况中,我更希望Munroe直接使用“Mars(火星)”而不是“red world(红色星球)”,或者直接用“Helium(氦气)”而不是“带来滑稽嗓音的气体(funny voice air)”


这本书确实漂亮地解决了这个问题,《Thing Exlainer》以有趣的方式解释了基本的“为什么”,并告诉你这个世界方方面面的运转方式,假如Munroe的漫画让你尝试去了解这个世界你尚未触及的领域,这本书同样也是一本优秀的基本指南,尤其是给充满好奇心的你。


From the No. 1 bestselling author of What If? - the man who created xkcd and explained the laws of science with cartoons - comes a series of brilliantly simple diagrams ('blueprints' if you want to be complicated about it) that show how important things work: from the nuclear bomb to the biro. 


It's good to know what the parts of a thing are called, but it's much more interesting to know what they do. Richard Feynman once said that if you can't explain something to a first-year student, you don't really get it. In Thing Explainer, Randall Munroe takes a quantum leap past this: he explains things using only drawings and a vocabulary of just our 1,000 (or the ten hundred) most common words.


Many of the things we use every day - like our food-heating radio boxes ('microwaves'), our very tall roads ('bridges'), and our computer rooms ('datacentres') - are strange to us. So are the other worlds around our sun (the solar system), the big flat rocks we live on (tectonic plates), and even the stuff inside us (cells). Where do these things come from? How do they work? What do they look like if you open them up? And what would happen if we heated them up, cooled them down, pointed them in a different direction, or pressed this button?


In Thing Explainer, Munroe gives us the answers to these questions and many, many more. Funny, interesting, and always understandable, this book is for anyone -- age 5 to 105 -- who has ever wondered how things work, and why.


 兰道尔·门罗(Randall Munroe),曾在NASA工作,制造机器人。2006年成为全职网络漫画家,是美国*热门科普漫画网站xkcd的创立者。《那些古怪又让人忧心的问题》就是他的What If科普问答专栏合集。国际天文学联合会*近将小行星4942命名为“门罗”。如果“门罗小行星”撞上地球,很可能会导致大灭绝。 

Randall Munroe is the creator of the webcomic xkcd and author of xkcd: Volume 0. Randall was born in Easton, Pennsylvania, and grew up outside Richmond, Virginia. After studying physics at Christopher Newport University, he got a job building robots at NASA Langley Research Center. In 2006 he left NASA to draw comics on the internet full time, and has since been nominated for a Hugo Award three times. The International Astronomical Union recently named an asteroid after him: asteroid 4942 Munroe is big enough to cause mass extinction if it ever hits a planet like Earth.



