
Unaccustomed Earth





2008 孟加拉裔美国女作家朱帕·拉希丽的短篇小说集,由8个短篇故事组成。


Unaccustomed Earth《不适之地》围绕爱情、亲情和友情,共分五个短篇和一个三部曲式的中篇,主要讲述第二代印度移民在欧美社会的生活。他们面对的问题不止是两种文化间的选择与融合,还有他们与父辈第一代移民之间因观念不同引发的矛盾和心结。从孟买到西雅图,从加尔各答到罗马,他们感受着对爱情的感动,深处异乡的不适,婚姻的考验和同侪间的战争,带着孤独与不安、欢喜与悲伤在异国他乡生长并向下扎根。


作者:Jhumpa Lahiri

出版社: Vintage Books / Random House (1 Jun. 2009)


语种: 英语

ISBN: 074759659X

条形码: 9780747596592

商品尺寸: 12.9 x 2.1 x 19.8 cm

商品重量: 499 g



Beginning in America, and spilling back over memories and generations to India, Unaccustomed Earth explores the heart of family life and the immigrant experience. Eight luminous stories - longer and richer than any Jhumpa Lahiri has yet written - take us from America to Europe, India and Thailand as they follow new lives forged in the wake of loss.




'Lahiri's enormous gifts as a storyteller are on full display ... gorgeous' Khaled Hosseini 'Probably the most influential writer of fiction in America' Financial Times 'Contains some of the best, most beautiful fiction written this decade - the kind that will be read 50 years from now' New Statesman 'It's difficult to think of a contemporary writer who gives her characters so much dignity ... Fiction of matchless restraint, yet also of rich, complex lives and credible characters' The Times


About the Author

Jhumpa Lahiri was born in London of Bengali parents, and grew up in Rhode Island, USA. Her stories have appeared in many American journals and her first collection, Interpreter of Maladies, won the Pulitzer Prize 2000 for Fiction, the New Yorker Prize for Best First Book, the PEN/Hemingway Award and was shortlisted for the Los Angeles Times Award. Her novel, The Namesake, was published in 2003 and is now a major motion picture from the director of Monsoon Wedding. Jhumpa Lahiri lives in New York with her husband and two children.

茱帕·拉希里出生于伦敦,父母为孟加拉裔印度移民,三岁时随父母迁居美国。 一九九九年出版短篇小说集《疾病解说者》,获得二○○○年普利策小说奖。第二部短篇小说集《不适之地》,二○○八年出版后即登上《纽约时报》畅销书榜首,并获得弗兰克·奥康纳国际短篇小说奖第一名。 二○○五年,拉希里出任美国笔会副主席,二○一○年二月进入奥巴马总统的美国总统艺术人文委员会。
