美国视频艺术家Bill Viola的一系列重要作品与米开朗基罗的画作一同展示——显示出惊人的相似性
本书为2019年1月26日到3月31日在伦敦皇家艺术学院举办的展示这两位艺术家作品的展览的配套书籍。本书提供了一个欣赏这两位艺术家作品的新视角。Viola的十部重要视频作品中的剧照和镜头和米开朗基罗的十四幅演示画作,以及米开朗基罗在英国的*一一座大理石雕塑Taddei Tondo和皇家学院的藏品一起被复制出来。Martin Clayton撰写的正文探讨了存在主义的关注点——许多文艺复兴时期的艺术家们一心所想的事,尤其是米开朗基罗——在Viola常常极度感人的视频装置艺术作品中是如何被探究的,同时,Kira Perov对Viola的工作过程发表了见解。
A selection of key works by the American video artist Bill Viola are presented alongside Michelangelo's drawings - revealing surprising parallels
Accompanies an exhibition presenting both artists' works at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, from 26 January to 31 March 2019
This book presents a new perspective on both artists' works. Stills and sequences from ten key video pieces by Viola are reproduced alongside fourteen of Michelangelo's presentation drawings, as well as the Taddei Tondo, the only Michelangelo marble sculpture in the UK and a treasure of the Royal Academy's collection. Texts by Martin Clayton examine how existential concerns - the preoccupation of many Renaissance artists, not least Michelangelo - are explored in Viola's often profoundly moving video installations, while Kira Perov provides insight into Viola's working processes.