
书名:One Day 一天
作者:David Nicholls大卫·尼克斯
出版社名称:Vintage Contemporaries
商品尺寸:13.2 x 2.4 x 20.2 cm

One Day
One Day revisits Dexter and Emma every year on the anniversary of their first night together. Each July 15th becomes a snapshot of a particular time and place, offering an irresistible and often hilarious chronicle of the lovers they acquire, the careers they pursue, the culture that influences them, and the opportunities they embrace or squander. As their stories unfold, David Nicholls brilliantly explores the interplay of character and fate that shape our lives.

“Big, absorbing, smart, fantastically readable.”—Nick Hornby, from his blog
“Fluid, expertly paced, highly observed, and at times, both funny and moving.”—Boston Globe
“A light but surprisingly deep romance so thoroughly satisfying.” —Entertainment Weekly
“A great, funny, and heart-breaking read.”—The Early Show[CBS]
“[An] instant classic… One of the most hilarious and emotionally riveting love stories you’ll ever encounter.” —People
“Nicholls offers sharp dialogue and wry insight that sounds like Nick Hornby at his best.” —The Daily Beast(A Best Book of the Summer)
“Just as Nicholls has made full use of his central concept, so he has drawn on all his comic and literary gifts to produce a novel that is not only roaringly funny but also memorable, moving and, in its own unassuming, unpretentious way, rather profound.”—The Guardian(London)

“A wonderful, wonderful book: wise, funny, perceptive, compassionate and often unbearably sad… the best British social novel since Jonathan Coe’s What a Carve Up! Nicholls’s witty prose has a transparency that brings Nick Hornby to mind: it melts as you read it so that you don’t notice all the hard work that it’s doing. ”—The Times(London)

IT’S 1988 AND DEXTER MAYHEW AND EMMA MORLEY HAVE only just met. But after only one day together, they cannot stop thinking about one another. Over twenty years, snapshots of that relationship are revealed on the same day—July 15th—of each year. Dex and Em face squabbles and fights, hopes and missed opportunities, laughter and tears. And as the true meaning of this one crucial day is revealed, they must come to grips with the nature of love and life itself.

大卫•尼克斯(David Nicholls),英国著名编剧、畅销书作家。生于1966年,大学毕业后从事音乐剧编辑、演员,后专事写作。小说处女作Starter for Ten《恋爱学分》名列2004年”理查与茱蒂”俱乐部选书名,2006年改编为电影。第二部小说One Day《一天》2009年一出版就大获好评,受《卫报》、《泰晤士报》、《纽约时报》、《ELLE》等媒体大力推荐,仅英国销量就逾百万册,更斩获当年《卫报》”年度图书”大奖,荣膺2010年英国小说榜首位。2011年,由其担任编剧的同名电影《一天》全球热映。
David Nicholls trained as an actor before making the switch to writing. He is the author of two previous novels--Starter For Ten and The Understudy. He has also written many screenplays for film and television, including the feature film adaptation of Starter For Ten and One Day. He lives in London.

Part One   1988-1992 Early Twenties二十之初
Part Two   1993-1995 Late Twenties临近而立
Part Three  1996-2001 Early Thirties而立之年
Part Four   2002-2005 Late Thirties不惑岁月
Part Five   Three Anniversaries三个纪念日

Friday 15TH July 1988
Rankeillor Street, Edinburgh

‘I suppose the important thing is to make some sort of difference,’ she said. ‘You know, actually change something.’
‘What, like “change the world”, you mean?’
‘Not the whole entire world. Just the little bit around you.’
They lay in silence for a moment, bodies curled around each other in the single bed, then both began to laugh in low, pre-dawn voices. ‘Can’t believe I just said that,’ she groaned. ‘Sounds a bit corny, doesn’t it?’
‘A bit corny.’
‘I’m trying to be inspiring! I’m trying to lift your grubby soul for the great adventure that lies ahead of you.’ She turned to face him. ‘Not that you need it. I expect you’ve got your future nicely mapped out, ta very much. Probably got a little flow-chart somewhere or something.’
‘So what’re you going to do then? What’s the great plan?’
‘Well, my parents are going to pick up my stuff, dump it at theirs, then I’ll spend a couple of days in their flat in London, see some friends. Then France-’
‘Very nice-’
‘Then China maybe, see what that’s all about, then maybe onto India, travel around there for a bit-’
‘Traveling,’ she sighed. ‘So predictable.’
‘What’s wrong with travelling?’
‘Avoiding reality more like.’
‘I think reality is over-rated,’ he said in the hope that this might come across as dark and charismatic.
She sniffed. ‘S’alright, I suppose, for those who can afford it. Why not just say “I’m going on holiday for two years”? It’s the same thing.’
