
书名:Great Dialogues of Plato 柏拉图对话录
出版社名称:Signet Classics
商品尺寸:10.7 x 2.7 x 17.2 cm
页数:400 (以实物为准)

Great Dialogues of Plato《柏拉图对话录》是一本文学价值与哲学价值并重的经典作品。乔伊特曾说,“所有的一切理念,乃至大部分的基督教观念,皆可以从柏拉图著作里找到胚芽”,可见它对西方文化影响之深远。这本书以问答的形式探讨了知识、伦理道德等问题,在论述中从简单开始,一点点加深,最终使你豁然开朗,如获至宝。
本版本为Signet Classics推出的简装便携全英文版,由世界杰出古典文学学者、翻译家W.H.D. Rouse翻译,Rebecca Newberger Goldstein作序。

“Plato is philosophy, and philosophy, Plato.”—Emerson
The Republic and other great dialogues by the immortal Greek philosopher Plato are masterpieces that form part of the most important single body of writing in the history of philosophy. Beauty, love, immortality, knowledge, and justice are discussed in these dialogues, which magnificently express the glowing spirit of Platonic philosophy.
Translated by W. H. D. Rouse, one of the world’s most outstanding classical scholars and translator of Homer’s The Odyssey and The Iliad, this volume features the complete texts of seven of Plato’s most revered works.
“In Rouse’s pages Socrates’ strength of mind, his dedication to philosophical truth, are borne in on the modern reader with something of the power that impressed and disturbed the ancient Greeks.” — Time
“A volume which merits a place on even the smallest bookshelf.” —New York Herald Tribune

古希腊哲学在公元前六至四世纪发展到高潮。Great Dialogues of Plato《柏拉图对话录》完整收录柏拉图的《理想国》《自辩篇》《克利陀篇》《斐都篇》《伊安篇》《美诺篇》《筵话篇》。
In the golden days of Greek civilization, four hundred years before the birth of Christ, the philosopher Plato wrote theDialogues, which, to this day, comprise the most influential body of philosophy of the Western world. Written in the form of debates, theDialogues are filled with philosophy’s continual search for truth and the moving drama of intellectual conflict.
The Republic, a brilliant discussion of the ideal state,presents Plato’s basic concepts of education, justice, and the philosopher-king, the wise and just prototype of a ruler who could cure the world’s ills. In the dialoguesApology,Crito, andPhaedo, the imposing figure of Socrates, Plato’s beloved mentor, emerges to discuss respect for law and authority, human virtue, and the immortality of the soul. The additional dialogues contain the great philosopher’s thinking on subjects of such universal and ageless interest as art, virtue, and the nature of love and beauty.

柏拉图(Plato,Πλτων, 约前427年-前347年),古希腊伟大的哲学家,也是全部西方哲学乃至整个西方文化最伟大的哲学家和思想家之一,他和老师苏格拉底、学生亚里士多德并称为古希腊三大哲学家。柏拉图是西方客观唯心主义的创始人,其哲学体系博大精深,对其教学思想影响尤甚。柏拉图的著作大多是用对话体裁写成的,人物性格鲜明,场景生动有趣,语言优美华丽,论证严密细致,内容丰富深刻,达到了哲学与文学、逻辑与修辞的高度统一,不仅在哲学上而且在文学上亦具有极其重要的意义和价值。
Plato (c. 427–347 b.c.) founded the Academy in Athens, the prototype of all Western universities, and wrote more than twenty philosophical dialogues.
W. H. D. Rouse (1863-1950), one of the world’s greatest classical scholars, made world-famous translations of Homer’s The Odyssey andThe Iliad. Dr. Rouse was educated at Cambridge University, where he became an Honorary Fellow of Christ’s College.
Matthew S. Santirocco is Professor of Classics and Dean of the College of Arts and Science at New York University. He has written on Greek and Roman literature and edits the journal Classical World.
Rebecca Goldstein Newberger is the author of such novels as The Mind-Body Problem, The Late-Summer Passion of a Woman of Mind, and 36 Arguments for the Existence of God, as well as acclaimed nonfiction including Betraying Spinoza: The Renegade Jew Who Gave Us Modernity and Plato at the Googleplex: Why Philosophy Won’t Go Away. Among her many honors and awards are a Guggenheim Fellowship, a MacArthur Fellowship, and grants from the National Science Foundation and the American Council of Learned Societies. She was named Humanist of the Year by the American Humanist Association and elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She is currently Visiting Professor of Philosophy, New College of the Humanities, London.
