
书名:The Decameron 十日谈
作者:Giovanni Boccaccio薄伽丘
出版社名称:Signet Classics
商品尺寸:10.6 x3.3 x 17.3 cm
页数:864 (以实物为准)

The Decameron十日谈是意大利文艺复兴时期早期代表作家薄伽丘对后世影响巨大的作品,是欧洲近代文学史上现实主义作品。初稿写于1384年,成书于1353年。作品开端叙述10个男女青年为躲避黑死病,住在佛罗伦萨乡间的一个别墅里,每天每人讲一个故事,在10天中轮流讲了100个故事,故名《十日谈》。它反映了当时意大利的广阔现实社会,反对禁欲主义,歌颂男女爱情,反对等级特权,宣扬人类平等,揭露贵族的腐朽和愚昧,抨击僧侣的虚伪和荒谬。故事大都取材于历史事件、中世纪的民间传说和东方民间故事。在形式上突破了中世纪小说单纯讲故事的方式,企图在描写自然风貌、勾勒人物特征、刻画人物心理方面探索新的途径,对后来欧洲小说的发展有重大影响。 
本书为Signet Classics推出的英文原版,由Mark Musa和Peter Bondanella翻译,Thomas G Bergin作序,Teodolinda Barolini后记,内容完整无删减,书本小巧便携。

Set against the background of the Black Death of 1348, the hundred linked tales in Giovanni Boccaccio’s undisputed masterpiece are peopled by nobles, knights, abbots, nuns, doctors, lawyers, philosophers, students, artists, tradesman, troubadours, peasants, pilgrims, servants, spendthrifts, thieves, parasites, gluttons, gamblers, police and lovers, both faithful and faithless. Unabashedly earthly in its sensualityThe Decameron recaptures both the tragedies and comedies of life and it is surely one of the greatest achievements in the history of literature. 
With an Introduction by Thomas G Bergin and a New Afterword by Teodolinda Barolini 

The Decameron《十日谈》(1348-1353)是欧洲文学史上现实主义巨著,作品开头有个序曲,叙述了在佛罗伦萨瘟疫流行的背景下,十名青年男女在乡村一所别墅里避难时所发生的事情。十个青年每人每天讲一个故事,十天共讲了一百个故事,故名《十日谈》。每篇故事长短不一,内容包罗万象,而人文主义思想是贯穿全书的一条主线。


Giovanni Boccaccio was born in Florence, Italy, in 1313, and he died there in 1375. His life thus coincided with the flowering of the early Renaissance and indeed his closest friend was Petrarch, the other towering literary figure of the period. During his lifetime, Boccaccio was a diplomat, businessman, and international traveler, as well as the creator of numerous works of prose and poetry. Of his achievements, The Decameron, completed sometime between 1350 and 1352, remains his lasting contribution—immensely popular from its original appearance to the present day—to world literature. 

Mark Musais a professor at the Center for Italian Studies at Indiana University. A former Fulbright and Guggenheim Fellow, Musa is the author of a highly acclaimed translation of Dante’s Divine Comedy
Mark Musa andPeter Bondanellaare professors at the Center for Italian Studies at Indiana University. Mark Musa, a former Fulbright and Guggenheim Fellow, is the author of a highly acclaimed translation of Dante’s Divine Comedy. Peter Bondanella, a former Younger Humanist and Senior Fellow of the National Endowment for the Humanities, has published, among other works, Machiavelli and the Art of Renaissance History and Federico Fellini: Essays in Criticism. He is coeditor of The Dictionary of Italian Literature and The Portable Machiavelli.
